Sunday, February 05, 2006


What a week, eh?

There’s been a real domino effect of relieved and audible sighs leading to the inescapable fact that none of us seems to actually ever watch the Prez pat himself on the back for an hour every year. Joe’s relieved that Josh Marshall never watches, and I am likewise relieved that Joe never watches. Spread it around; relief is always better than guilt.

But I tried. Honest, I really did. And I made it right up to the entrance of the Supreme Court Justices. The Chamber response so repulsed me – I thought everyone had confused the date with the Super Bowl – I had to turn it off. Just too many direct comparisons to coronations and touchdowns to force down the democracy delusion, like trying to help the liver go down with a tall, cool tumbler of castor oil. Two hundred and five years after Jefferson dealt with his distaste for the imperial trappings by mailing in his SOTU, our own regressive royalty tosses out fantasies like Marie Antoinette offered up cakes.

But this Prez, he can sure give great delusion, can he not?

Aside from the wish list for reality he dished out – unemployment, crime, drugs and abortions all decreasing?? – he visited upon us a full-blown hallucination. The administration is now (cue the dark orchestral chord) “seeing isolationists.” !?

And what sure-fire weapon does our Fearless Leader propose to employ for our protection?


More …initiatives.

Yes, folks, to fix the unemployment and economic problems we have the American Competitive Initiative. So timely, so …pre-emptive! And to keep the kids off drugs, in school, and virginal? Why, America’s Youth Initiative, of course! And Laura is on it! Am I the only one wondering what happened to the First Lady’s initiative from last year? You remember, don’t you, those boys’ gangs?

We won’t touch that one, not even with the proverbial 10 foot pole.

This is likely the same reaction those twelve Dems had against the filibuster: Hot Potato! Better you than me; I got mouths to feed, and all those justifiable excuses.

Hard to reconcile that with the standing O our intrepid crew gave the failed Social Security reforms. Think it might have a little something to do with the fact that no one ever watches the SOTU?

As obvious as it seems to be, it’s still impossible to say. I’ve become pretty damn cynical, but I still find I have to believe most of our folks really want to stick it to these thugs. Ya know? Ya just gotta believe that. Somehow.

Whenever these opportunities present themselves to the only viable party left to us, and you watch each and every one of them go off in their various directions to frustrate the cat-herders, one cannot help but wonder what the ones with some remaining conscience must be thinking.

It’s so easy for us to criticize and dismiss them as traitors. And don’t get me wrong; I remain royally pissed. But what can it be like, trying to do the decent thing, if not always the truly right thing, in the midst of this Orwellian rabbit hole? To shamelessly mix satires. And this is not the Red Queen’s Animal Farm, no piggies or Mad Hatter for comical sane relief. No, these dudes play for real – probably their only contact with reality – and they play serious. Dead serious. I mean, Dick Cheney openly threatened Paul Wellstone just two weeks before his plane went down. And we all know that event was sadly just the dirtier, inconvenient side of their game plan.

There is no doubt that altogether too many Dems long ago became part of the problem. All those little compromises along the way (not least of which I count the DLC’s catapult into corporate laps) are making these big ones that much easier to shrug off; a vat of well-boiled frogs, we have.

This is yet another thing these folks are facing besides temptations to deal and concede our democracy away: the very real, very ruthless enemy we face in this White House.

The image that comes to my mind is a rattler. A very big and very nasty rattler. A rattler that will stop at nothing to keep its spot at the top of this mountain. There are no rules, no courtesies, no sense of decency, and it’s all just terribly, awfully nasty.

Not even a decorated war hero – hell, two of them! Kerry and Cleland – could best this evil machinery. How does one fight this monster and maintain the integrity we demand of all our elected officials? Michael Kinsley suggests that the Dems just need to start playing by the Repug rules, which is patently absurd on two counts. One, this assumes that the media would be only too happy to apply the same rules to both parties, but we’ve all seen plenty of evidence to strongly suggest otherwise. And two, the Repug tricks Kinsley suggests Dems embrace - framing the issues, staying on message, putting them on the defensive – all require a certain suspension of the rules, unspoken rules to be sure, but they’re deeply embedded in our sense of good manners and fair play. Many Dems were furious with Kerry for our ‘loss’ in 04, blaming his weak campaign. No doubt there were flaws, but I was always impressed with Kerry’s refusal to play dirty, to get down in the sewage with these brutes, or even to let his gofers to the dirty public work. He truly remained above the fray, and I was never impressed with the suggestions offered up by the armchair quarterbacks.

I don’t claim to have any such suggestions, and I sure don’t have a clue how I’d handle things were I an elected official faced with the bizarre issues facing this hideously skewed Congress, though I can only hope I’d keep my principles high. Emphasis on ‘only hope;’ I admit to being human, with at least this one mouth to feed.

Which is largely why this watershed week has left me feeling like we’re all pretty well cooked. How does one swallow the irony of championing the very filibuster used to block civil rights legislation (I grew up in the South; it was a tough one for me)? Or the irony of fighting theocratic haters of “activist” judges to keep likely the most activist judge in our history off the Court? And losing. Or the irony of watching King George take us all the way back to 1770 while talking more liberal than Tom Paine and Jefferson combined? Enough to make us all lose our lunch.

We’re getting force fed fat back they call prime rib, the media servin’ it up like maitre d’s and suckers lining up for the best table, everyone scared breathless to give a bad review or suggest a menu change, or – perish the thought – call for the chef’s head. On a platter.

The few timid noises being made these days are most likely only giving the kitchen staff plenty of time to cook up their next piece de la resistance.

Let's consider what this next special du jour might look like, shall we?

Starving in the world's bread basket.
dr. elsewhere


Anonymous said...

Hi: I'm working on a Texas legal directory site and was looking for good information on Dallas personal injury lawyers and can upon your site. I glanced thru your Blog, I found it interesting, but, it's not what I was looking for. Thanks for an interesting read...good luck with your blog.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Elsewhere,

thanks for subbing for Joseph. hope he is continuing to enjoy his vacation south of the border.

Here is some food for thought, of course this is slightly off topic regarding the whodunit of 9/11. But if any of this is true in the very least, then all of us Dems and Liberals are destined to spend some time together at the new "detention camps" that Halliburton has just been awarded a $385 million contract for just one year that are being designed to hold immigration upheavals. See

If Cheney-Rumsfeld and cohorts were truly behind 9/11, then martial law really isn't too far away.


a must read while this website is still live:

The author makes the case that the 9/11 WTC attacks were planned at least 6 months in advance, that small thermonuKlear bombs were used in the destruction of each of the WTC buildings along with thousands of explosive devices used to cause a building's implosion collapse.

Pretty shocking if true. And the media is in on this as well for producing programs that put forward the fairytale that the attacks were all done by al quaeda.

Anonymous said...

hey Dr. , I think you write good and can blog for the cannonman anytime~ of course not many people listen to me so whatever!!
your piece was on d money Dr.

Anonymous said...

anon, that site has got to be one of the dumbest I've ever read. A small hydrogren bomb detonated in the celler causes WTC to collapse, starting from where the planes happenned to collide? Uhuh.

iLarynx said...

Don't forget that Bush/Rove trashed war hero/POW and fellow Republican John McCain in the 200 primaries.

"Out of the fray," or out of the loop? Politics is not "Masterpiece Theater." If you go to a Sumo wrestling match dressed for a tennis game, you're going to get bounced out of the ring in a hurry. And look silly in the process.

Maintaining the high road is a luxury of the side with the advantage - >50% poll numbers, facts and issues support their policy goals.

The side with the disadvantage (issues, facts don't support their position) will almost always resort to sleazy tactics in order to deflect the voter's attention from their disadvantage - the issues and facts.

Maintaining the "high road" in the face of sleazy tactics is folly. Once one side has taken the low road, failure to address the low road issue is suicidal (i.e. If your opponent in a boxing match has made his strategy clear by hitting you below the belt 3 times in the first 30 seconds of the first round, failure to meet the attack in kind, or neutralize it through some other method, will invariably result in your losing the match. Quckly. And with a low probability of fathering any children as a bonus.)

Since it's Super Bowl Sunday, maybe a football analogy is more appropriate. Having a good quarterback is a good idea. Having 2 or 3 as back up is an even better idea. However, having your entire team made up of even excellent quarterbacks is going to suck. The nature of the game requires intelligent, talented leadership, a nimble backfield to support him, and a beefy front line whose job is to bang their heads against the other teams meat-heads trying to tackle the quarterback on offense, and whose defensive line will make their quarterback think of Joe Theisman everytime he holds the ball.

The Democrats have just a few decent quarterbacks, some support in the backfield, but NO front line to speak of at all.

Anonymous said...

Kerry remained above the fray all right. So far above it that he let them tease them about being an $87 billion flip-flopper and never bothered to offer the very simple explanation that he voted for a tax-funded $87 billion and voted against a deficit-finded $87 billion.

Furthermore, he never pointed out that Bush threatened to VETO the very same $87 billion. Kerry was above the fray like a batter who strikes out without even taking a swing.

Anonymous said...

Playing all nicey-nice and good-mannerly led the populace to wonder how Kerry would fight for US against nasty terrorists who want to kill us -- when he wouldn't even stand up for himself against sleazy liars playing politics.

Beats me.

Anonymous said...

Dick Cheney openly threatened Paul Wellstone just two weeks before his plane went down.
Could you provide a link for that assertion, please?

Anonymous said...

Re: Cheney's threat, apparently Wellstone told a group at Willmar, MN that Cheney had warned him to vote for the Iraq war or the Bushites would "get you".

I have not got a mainstream source for this, but Dr. David Ray Griffin refers to it in his review of Dr. James Fetzer's book about the Wellstone crash, "American Assassination". Perhaps the book provides a source for the info.

Anonymous said...

I actually enjoyed the President’s State of the Union speech. Normally I would have been alternating between laughter and rage listening to Bush’s inept double-speak. I felt detached, as if the words I were about to hear would be as relevant to me as a translation of the bragging hieroglyphs of some pompous Pharaoh from before the common era.

I traveled in my mind across the miles, following the genesis of that radio signal to our sacred temple dome, glowing with the warmth of the lights within. The President had entered the hall and was slowly making his way through the crowd of fawning, bipartisan greeters toward the podium.

The announcer broke in to say that Cindy Sheehan, who had been invited to witness the proceedings, had just been hauled from the chamber and ejected by security. “Yes,” I thought, “there was one just person in that whole assembly. They discovered her and threw her out.” Now that there was not one honest man or woman in the entire building, the proceedings could go on uninterrupted. I thought that if there actually was an Old Testament god of vengeance who, at that very moment, would have ordered an angelic Sodom& Gomorrah strike on the building, reducing it to ashes, I would not have shed a tear.

I now know that the enemy is not just Bush, not just the Republicans, but the whole rotten, bicameral membership. The Democrats have finally, completely dashed the hopes of the people. Now they had better look to Bush for protection from the wrath of their constituents. I’m sure Joe Lieberman will be happy to intercede with the Commander in Chief on their behalf.

Bob Boldt
Jefferson City, MO

Anonymous said...

Hey Bob,
Have you thought of joining the
Greens? Their positions are more in
line with the wishes of the American
people than are the positions of any of the parties.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,
I will not be identifying exclusively with any political party in the future. I intend to be resolutely independent. Frankly, I will probably not be very active in national politics, including my support of local candidates for the US House and Senate. I certainly have no intention of voting in the 2008 presidential election. If things do not change with regards to vote fraud, I intended to work on a national campaign encouraging widespread non-voting in protest of the theft of the 2000 and the 2004 presidency. If, in the national congressional 2006 election, my state (Missouri) decides to run candidates the caliber of Paul Wellstone or Dennis Kucinich, I might be persuaded to reenter the national political scene. I am also open to the proposition that pigs can fly. Practically I intend to work for local candidates for municipal and state office, as well as continuing my efforts lobbying against legislation presently before the Missouri House and Senate that would allow the teaching of the Bible and intelligent design in the public schools. What most of my energies will be devoted to will be the development of local, sustainable, social and economic programs intended to operate as independent of the national grid as possible. I believe the more self-sufficient our local communities become the less likely we will be impacted when Bush’s chickens come home to roost.
Bob Boldt

Anonymous said...

hey, bob and anonymous,

i hear you on the sad state of elected officials. but please do not forget the formidable and highly principled john conyers when listing your heroes. and he remains in congress as our nearly lone voice of sanity and conscience.

stay in the action!