Monday, February 20, 2006

Poll vaulting

dr. elsewhere
One cannot help but wonder just how all this Cheney fiasco, and talk of domestic spying, and torture and the scandals and the trials will effect the polls. Here are a couple just out that are intriguing to ponder, as they were taken after the shooting story broke.

This first one lists polls for each state, showing Bush with approval ratings above 50% (highest = 58% in Utah) in only SIX states! The usual suspects, of course. The kicker is Ohio, where his "win" was hanging in the balance; only 37% approval.

This next one is interesting from Zogby because it shows considerable erosion of support from Bush's base.

Several thoughts worth considering from these numbers. One, the Bush team response is always to launch another expensive PR onslaught. Two, the American people, despite the sales pitch and the progpaganda media, are clearly not buyin' it. And three, when will the Democrats start paying attention to the remarkably robust message in these numbers?? THE VOTERS ARE GOING IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION, so don't follow the fool!!

Of course, this last one assumes that voting remains a meaningful enterprise in this country.

dr. elsewhere

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The way things are shaping up, the elections this fall will have the Republicans trounced by 60-40% margins. Unless polls (especially exit polls) are banned entirely, I don't see how the Bush gang can steal the elections, without everybody realizing what happened.

But we know they won't give up power. They can't. They have so much blood on their hands, and dirt under their fingernails, that a return of the Democrats to power would bring investigations and indictments galore. The GOP would be shattered for a generation.

So, the Republicans now in power will not allow 2006 elections. If you think for even a moment that GWB will hesitate to cancel the elections, you're not paying attention. And, who's going to stop him if he does? A majority of the Congress will play along, since they're mostly Rep's about to get voted out. The MSM will be too busy covering Pitt/Jolie's new baby. The Supreme Court, they'll split 5-4 in favor of an all-powerful executive branch.

I wish these guys would stop with the coyness, and just announce to the world that they are reviving the Fascist Party.