Monday, February 27, 2006

Lapham nothing to laugh at

dr. elsewhere here
I've been meaning to share this ever since I first read the latest Harper's editorial by the inimitable Lewis Lapham, who plans to retire soon.

Lapham always makes for a demanding read; a casual writer he is not. But if you are willing to take the time and focus, it is always worth the challenge. Dense as he is, he is also so incisive and insightful, it's inevitably breathtaking. Reading his stuff often reminds me of watching vintage Robin Williams, where every gesture and accent and syllable have textured meanings, testing even the best-read among us.

No joke, this month's offering takes on the notion of impeaching Bush, not as an idea to be considered, but as the only logical action.

Gratifying stuff, especially for his highlighting the work of heroic Congressman John Conyers.


Anonymous said...

I've read the editorial. Lapham practically eviscerates Bush. He doesn't pull any punches in the interest of "balance", like others in the MSM. He's so blunt that he is scathing. Lapham has a solid rep from thirty years at the helm of Harper's. Making this editorial the cover story is a real declaration of war against the Administration. I urge everyone to pick up a copy.

Anonymous said...

i have admired Laphams writing for some time. he certainly does not beat around the bush and cannot be reproached for ever palying favourites. he is a valuable american resource.