Young, it turns out, owes his seat to one of those convenient plane crashes that tend to take out people who might threaten the powers-that-be. In 1972, on a military junket in Alaska, Congressman Nick Begich -- Young's popular Democratic predecessor -- went down in a still-mysterious incident. No trace of the craft was ever discovered, despite a massive search. If Begich had remained alive, he surely would have held onto that seat for the rest of his life.
The most famous victim of that crash was House Majority Leader Hale Boggs, member of the Warren Commission and father to Cokie Roberts. Cokie once dismissed as a mere "internet" rumor the claim that her father disappeared shortly after he began to voice doubts about the Warren Commission findings. Her statement has only two flaws: 1. The "rumor" long predated the widespread use of the internet and 2. It was no mere rumor.
For example, Anthony Summers, the respected British writer, once interviewed an aide to Boggs. According to this aide, Boggs complained that J. Edgar Hover "lied his eyes out to the Commission -- on Oswald, on Ruby, on their friends, the bullets, the gun, you name it."
Hale Boggs also offered these prescient words a year before he left us:
"Over the postwar years, we have granted to the elite and secret police within our system vast new powers over the lives and liberties of the people. At the request of the trusted and respected heads of those forces, and their appeal to the necessities of national security, we have exempted those grants of power from due accounting and strict surveillance."Have you ever heard Cokie ever speak as bravely as her father did? I haven't. I suspect that she will die in bed.
Side note: Here's a top-of-my-head sampler of other names that appeared in other all-too-convenient plane crashes (and feel free to add to the list):
-- John Tower (a Republican, but his Tower Commission report published a few things that the Bushes probably didn't want exposed)
-- Dorothy Hunt (wife to E. Howard; some say she was threatening to become "chatty" as Watergate unfurled)
-- Paul Wellstone
-- Larken Smith (a Democratic congressman who was looking into CIA drug dealing in 1989),
-- Mel Carnahan
-- Charles McKee and Matthew Gannon (who headed a DIA unit which looking into CIA drug dealing in Lebanon; they went down at Lockerbie)
-- Dan Rocco (executive at Choicepoint, a firm which played a part in the 2000 vote steal)
-- Amriram Nir (Israeli agent who -- some say -- could have testified about Bush's Iran-contra activities)
-- John F. Kennedy Jr.
Actually, there is a little-known history of mysterious aircraft incidents involving the Kennedy family. Ted Kennedy came that close to dying in a 1964 crash. And some paranoids have even alleged that the wartime flight which took out Joe Jr. was sabotaged.
(Speaking of near-fatal aircraft mishaps, I seem to recall reading in Bob Woodward's Veil that Gary Hart nearly died in a similar incident. Unfortunately, I read that book ages ago and I don't have a copy to hand. Is my memory playing tricks on me...?)
Perhaps we should also note the strange role aircraft have played in the Bin Laden family. Patriarch Mohammed died in a crash in the United States in 1968. Salem Bin Laden -- brother to Osama, and widely reported to be an investor in Dubya's Arbusto Energy -- went down in a microlight plane crash in Texas, in 1983. I'm not sure what to make of these incidents, so I merely make note of them.
These occurrences are pure coincidence, of course. Every single one of them. Pure coincidence.
Harry Whittington worked for John Tower.
This post kind of gives you chills. Wellstone was most definitely killed deliberately. He was destined to beat that insipid nabob Norm Coleman and then ... he's gone a week before the election. Also, Dick Cheney made some threats after Wellstone took a stand against the impending Iraq war. Read "American Assassination" by Prof. Jim Fetzer and you'll get the full scope of what happened.
The page on Dr. Fetzer's
"American Assassination" is well worth
a read just by itself. Dr. David Ray
Griffin summarizes the book in a
cogent reader review. The publisher's
blurb claims that at the time of the
crash 69% of Minnesotans blamed it on
a GOP conspiracy.
Do you have any information about the mysterious crash of a small aircraft that was coming in to land in Texas (Houston?) recently (last year?) to pick up G.H.W. Bush? It was from a South American country. All 4 men on board were killed. Sorry to be so unclear on the details. I was startled to read the report, and looked for follow-up to the story, but never found anything more. For such a spectacular incident, it was remarkably ignored! Now that i think of it may have occurred during the campaign, so it could have been in 2004. It also seems to me that it was not long after G.H.W.B.'s birthday, when he went skydiving. But again, I don't know when that was. ANYWAY, does anyone have any information about that crash?
Stansfield Turner almost died in plane crash too.
I hate stories like this. They give me the willies.
Thanks for listing JFK, Jr. Some not-paranoid-enoughs skip that one, and whenever I bring it up, tell me to loosen up the tinfoil hat 'cause it's keeping blood from my brain. Summer of 1999, plane crash, had to be a accident, right? What's the PNAC, again? Oh, come on, they couldn't have been that scared of someone related to JFK, could they? Shut it, Crazy Mel Gibson. Go chase some lights in the sky.
Ahem. I'd never read about Ted's brush with death. That's...not too surprising. I don't enjoy discussing bad stuff that could happen to my beloved Ted, but...what? Does anyone want to post follow-up info?
'Kay, wait, nevermind. No follow up needed, I remember now. I just never thought anyone believed...goddamnit! Tin foil not...snug...enough! Bad conspiracist! Bad!
I googled "Gary Caradori" and found this article:
"Bush Death List"
Since Joseph is as interested in the JFK assassination as I am, here is a link to an online version of a book written in the 80's:
The book is called "The Taking of America, 1-2-3". Tighten your tin foil hat straps and bundle up because you will get the chills.
In addition to mysterious plane crashes, I think we need to consider mysterious or timely/untimely deaths from a microbiological origin. My journalist sister's CIA contact tipped her off that Robert Matsui, a representative from Calfornia, died of "Yassar Arafat disease" -- a rare blood disease shortly after being re-elected n 2004. His wife was appointed to take over his seat. Matsui was an authority on the Social Security System. One month after his death in December 2004, Bush launched his infamous assault on the Social Security System to "save" it and us from certain disaster. Hawaii Congresswoman Patsy Mink, a fiery Democratic supporter of equal rights and against toxic substances being release into our environment, died at a most inconvenient time days before her certain re-election. It made fellow Democrats in Hawaii scramble to find an alternative candidate or a GOP candndiate would have won the election by default.
Let me add Walter Reuther to the list of plane crash deaths.
Don't know what to make of it but does anybody else remember a couple of years back when the plane going to pick up Shrub's father to whisk him off to S. America ended up crashing just outside the airport in TX. Perhaps someone was sending a warning.
Up until the Bush administration, it tended to be Republicans who had the bad pilots! Here's an independent list of political plane crashes, with speculation that the asbestos lobby may be involved in some of them:
Unnatural Deaths and Near Deaths of American Politicians 1980-2005
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