Sunday, January 22, 2006

INFURIATING! (Note: This post has been expanded)

Even though the "big bloggers" are talking about Washington Post "ombudsman" Deborah Howell's outragous attempt to preserve the Bush line on Abramoff, I must have my say.

On January 15, Howell wrote a column filled with deliberate lies, in which she claimed that Abramoff "had made substantial campaign contributions to both major parties." She also intimated that the Washington Post had covered up these phantom donations to Democrats.

Today she offered an "apology" which turns out to be almost as deceptive as the original outrage.
I wrote that he gave campaign money to both parties and their members of Congress. He didn't. I should have said he directed his client Indian tribes to make campaign contributions to members of Congress from both parties.

If Howell has one-half of one molecule's worth of evidence that Abramoff DIRECTED any Indian anywhere to give one dollar to any Democrat that otherwise would not have received it, let her produce her proof. If she can't offer any, she should stop writing altogether.

Here are the facts: Indian tribes generally give to Democrats. They have every right and every motive to do so; historically, Democratic politicians have been more likely to show a sympathetic interest in their causes. Any Republicans or Republican-friendly columnists who believe that these perfectly legal contributions are "tainted" should join forces with those progressives who call for the public financing of elections.

The only Indian tribes who gave substantially to Republicans were those working with Abramoff.
Of the top 10 political donors among Indian tribes in that period, three are former clients of Abramoff and Scanlon: the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of Michigan, the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, and the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of California. All three gave most of their donations to Republicans -- by margins of 30 percentage points or more -- while the rest favored Democrats....
Clearly, Godfather Jack directed those donations which went against historical patterns. If the tribes also allowed some additional money to go to their traditional Democrat allies, so what? The money would have gone to members of that party anyway, even if Jack Abramoff had never existed.

In fact, if Abramoff weren't around, Democrats would have received much more. The tribes were victimized by a Republican extortion racket: Those who didn't play ball with Jack would soon have their casino operations targeted by fundamentalist kingpin Ralph Reed and his hordes of activist Christian "wackos." (That's not my word: It appears in cynical emails from within the Abramoff mob.)

I say Democrats who received money from any Indian tribe -- even the ones which got "jacked" by Jack -- should keep it. The Indians want them to have it. They gave to Republicans only out of fear.

Howell complains about the battalions of awful, awful liberals who sent her so much nasty email. I say: Good show! There is no reason -- no reason on earth -- why columnists and newsfolk should not fear us as much as they fear the conservative hordes.

Howell has no reason to carp. I've been on the recieving end of a reactionary barrage -- death threats, accusations of communism, pleas for my soul, the works. I know what it's like. And I say screw it. We can't convert or even converse with those apes -- but we can match their firepower. It's time our side started hitting back instead of maintaining the "Thank you sir, may I have another?" stance.

Howell still makes contact information available: "Deborah Howell can be reached at 202-334-7582 or" Tell her that she should quit if she cannot prove her lying claim that Democrats received money entirely due to Abramoff's direction. Don't let her change the subject or rephrase the question.

Folks, we've had an impact. Don't wimp out now. Let her have it! Force her to offer a second apology. Be mean, be stern, be profane, be reasonable, be gentle, be loud, be soft, be whatever your temperament tells you to be. But BE HEARD.

Incidentally, she also writes: "To all of those who wanted me fired, I'm afraid you're out of luck. I have a contract. For the next two years, I will continue to speak my mind."

Some may be under the impression that by "speak her mind," she means "read my script" and "take my pay-off." I suspect that if she were to write several columns in favor of -- say -- a cessation of aid to Israel, the WP powers-that-be would soon find a loophole in that "contract" of hers.


Joy Tomme said...

I think what has happened to thinking in America was described perfectly in Frank Rich's NYT Op/Ed piece today (Sunday): Truthiness 101.

Unfortunately, the NYT has decided the only people who deserve to read their Op/Ed pieces are the rich who can subscribe to them or folks who can go out and pick up a copy at a newstand.

But it's never just the fault of the folks peddling lies and deception like Deborah Howell and the Bush administration. It's also the fault of the folks who find it easier to believe lies than to demand hard truths and integrity from politicians and news sources. And I don't know the way out of our morass other than another dose of hard times. Which, inevitably, we will get if we prefer to be lied to than face up to reality.

Joy Tomme
Ratbang Diary (

Grace Nearing said...

And while we're at it: We should insist that WaPo editor Brady (you know, the guy who ran crying to Hugh Hewitt) list the permalink URLs for all those comments that were so (allegedly) hate-filled and filthy the paper was compelled to close down the blog and effect mass deletions. At least give those of us who want to check out the content the option to key in the URLs and read them for ourselves.

Personally, I think Brady's cries of "hate-filled and filthy" are bogus. If anything, the archived comments that I've seen were fact-filled and unrelenting. Must have scared the hell out of the editors.

Anonymous said...

According to The Week magazine, (the Jan.20 issue):

"This, though, isn't purely a Republican scandal, said Wesley Pruden in The Washington Times. Abramoff's firm and clients also donated lavishly to prominent Democrats, including...Harry Reid, who got $69,000 from Abramoff sources...."

etc. It's pretty obvious that Rove jumped on this scandal right away and fed disinfo to his mouthpieces in the MSM. Since nobody checks accuracy of gov't sources anymore, it spread quickly.

Anonymous said...

Hey Deborah... actually we want and welcome you speaking your mind. We however ask for honesty and truth when you do it. Is that a problem? Shouldn't be. Many journalists need to start asking questions and printing the truth. Otherwise, our country is gonna slip right away. Ya'll know it. We do too. So why paint a rosey picture of non truth is the entire point. But again, we welcome your mind speaking as long as you get the facts straight the first go round. *deal*.

Peter of Lone Tree said...

Here's the address I have in case your readers can use it: