Thursday, December 08, 2005

Head's up

I should have a major new piece on Wilkes and CIA up soon.


Anonymous said...

While waiting for a new post, you might want to take a look at this article about Wilkes and Schwarzenegger in the Los Angles Times:

[Wilkes] donated more than $70,000 to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's campaign committees and received two gubernatorial appointments.

Anonymous said...

Jon Rappoport ( and a correspondent to Eric Alterman
publicized your pieces on Wilkes in the last couple of days, Joseph. Nice work!

Anonymous said...

I spoke directly with Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and she said that she was having someone in her office followup on the Wilkes corruption scandal and she did get my email I sent her Sunday.

Nick Lampson, Tom Delay's democratic opponent, leads 49% to 37% in the polls against DeLay. so there is hope yet as long as the votes are counted honestly.

thank you joseph!

Anonymous said...

Yes, please do vote for Dhimmitude!