Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Who do you trust?

After Senator Reid pulled his brilliant maneuver today, Senate Majority leader Bill Frist responded with this gem: "For the next year and a half I can't trust Sen. Reid."

What adjective can describe so formidable a display of gall? "Cosmic"? "Transcendant"? "Psychedelic"? Frist's statement is so outlandish I had to spend a few minutes contemplating the very nature of reality itself: He didn't really say eyes must be deceiving me...I must be hallucinating...

Frist is an inside-trading crook. Why the hell should anyone be concerned about meriting his trust? If Mike Brown called you an incompetent, would you care?

These Republicans -- embroiled in ceaseless scandals, caught out in innumerable lies, presiding over a debt-ridden economy, tied to a war that America cannot win, led by a staggeringly unpopular president -- still act as though they command the moral high ground.

Republicans, it's time you got the message: You are predatory scoundrels. You are infectious bacteria. We will never have enough respect for you to care about your opinions.


Anonymous said...

Best. Post. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I get so disheartened when I read and hear the news--the Republicans never stop, never. Your post, and especially the 1st comment, brightened my day. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

The Dems smell blood.