Monday, November 28, 2005

"Oh...sorry. Wrong Novak. Never mind...!"

Fitzgerald wants to talk with Time reporter Viveca Novak (no relation to Bob), and Blogworld Left has gone after this morsel of news the way my pooch goes after a tossed tennis ball.

I have follwed this development, of course, though not with the ravenous exhileration evinced by some Pla-maniacs. Since the journalist in question spoke to Rove's attorney Bob Luskin pursuant to an article on Plamegate, I presume that Fitz simply wants some clarity as to what, precisely, was said.

If nothing else, the Viveca Novak angle indicates that our favorite bloodhound still has the scent of turdblossom wafting through his nostrils.

That said, I must confess that I fell instantly in love with this alternate theory:
Back in May 2004, Luskin pulled the wrong "Novak" from his rolodex and left a message saying, "Hi Bob, just passing along a message from Karl. He wanted me to remind you that he can have you killed."

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