Saturday, November 19, 2005

Has the wind really shifted?

Normally, I don't see much point in directing readers to the major story on Kos; you've probably already seen it or will see it soon. But "Fog of War" by Hunter is particularly well-written. Hunter comments on Newsweek's Howard Fineman -- who, in turn, had some harsh comments on the White House's reactions to the Murth-quake:
The press isn't having fun anymore.

The battles are too acrimonious even for good television. The stakes, when even vaunted idols like Bob Woodward are finding themselves dashed upon the rocks, are getting too personal, and too close to home. And in cases like Fineman's, I have to wonder if what I am positive I saw, tonight, I actually saw: a man calling the White House out, rather directly. A man who was no more impressed with the attacks upon Murtha than anyone else watching, to the point where it shifted the tone of the debate, because a lighter tone, in this particular case, simply could not be conscripted.

Whether or not Karl Rove survives the excesses of being Karl Rove, I have to wonder if the same crass, one-note song will play, or if the audience has changed. When the only weapon the White House is capable of using is to impugn the very patriotism and Americanness of their opponents, what happens if the reactions to that attack change?

What happens if the press decides that dissent is, after all, patriotic?
To which a reader added:
Regarding the Schmidt soundbite, it reminded me of "what if they gave a war and nobody came?" -- what if they attacked someone's patriotism and nobody believed it anymore? Can Karl Rove still be a bogeyman if no one is scared of him anymore?
A college chum once told me that some Medieval churchmen believed that the Devil was frightening only as long as people took him seriously. Satan lost power the moment human beings started to laugh at him.

The far-rightists have thrived on lies and lucre, only to be undone by the facts of their misgovernance. No matter how well-funded their efforts to keep the public in a perpetual state of hallucination, history will break the trance.


Unknown said...

The wind may have shifted, but no media or large segment of the population is truly awake.

Let's take a quick inventory:

Enlighted Blogging Catholic Priests

9/11 Movement toward Awareness succumbing to Cover Up

Corrupt FBI

Corrupt Park Police Oversight

Forgotten DSM (7/7 synthetic terror bombing changed the subject quite nicely)

I suppose you were talking about the Iraq War, but I think we all need a reminder of the multitudes of exposes needed.

Anonymous said...

" Political language - and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists - is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. "
George Orwell

a Bard-"a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signify nothing."

thes people are so partisan, so win at all costs, out of control, extreme, desperate they do not care about laws, consider themselves above the law, disregard the rule of law or pay their friends to activate draconian law, true nihilists, they would rather have chaos then admit hubris, malfeasence, ERROR, avoid humility.

the PatrIdiotic act is the 'rules of engagement' against american citizens in Fallulah a representative said "all the peaceful people have fled", the rest get what they deserve, or something like that ....sounds like a mirror of the talking points regarding the mandatory evacuation of New Orleans

the recalcitrants do not believe in themselves, they do not know who they are, they are repressing awareness and reflection, beCuZ subconsciously they know they are doing very bad things, destructive and morally bankrupt, In The Wrong . Oh, but all responsibility, faults, lazy sapience, stinkin-thinkin is absolved, undertaken, washed, assumed by fascism dependence upon Big brother, the Hero/Leader assumess your failures to try, to act and ccomforts with a rub-o-the-head, a pat-on-the-back, your loved one is dead but at least you get a hug, close enough to get a photo of the political celebrity, a Pr personality, and then the set lights turn off, the circus leaves town, and the snake oil team gets outa town looking for the next oppurtunity to bedazzle, spectacle to exploit. headline to create to, crisis cycle to manipulate, Twai said if you always tell the truth you'll never have to remember what you said.
the Mass Mind-Meld is ...mellllttinngggg.

The Practice of Ritual Defamation

How values, opinions and beliefs are
controlled in democratic societies.

Laird Wilcox
1990 @