Sunday, November 06, 2005


If you read one Kos diary this week, read this one. Once again, Republican monsters use the myth of "false registration" to keep people from voting.

Thousands of citizens within Washington State's King county have received "your vote has been challeged" notices, issued by the local Republican Party. The fact that every single person in one apartment building got one of these unfriendly missives proves that the G.O.P. hands these things out like Christmas candy.

A person whose vote has been challenged may go to the ballot box, but he or she will need to attend a special meeting after the election to prove residence, or the vote won't count. If you can't get the extra time off work, or if transportation to the meeting place is difficult, you are SOL.

Obviously, the Republican strategy is to discourage folks in Democratic districts from bothering to vote. Expect to see a nationwide application of this scurrilous tactic.

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