Wednesday, November 16, 2005


"It's not my fault I lied; it's their fault they believed me." Unfortunately, quite a few progressives are willing to agree with him. Has the "blame our side first" contingent ever helped Democrats accomplish anything?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, um, my fellow progressives? What Joe posted. Seriously. Follow Barack Obama's lead on this one. Iraq is like "...someone drove a bus into a ditch. What we have to do is--well, first we have to fire the bus driver." That's your frame. We didn't break this war. We didn't even start it. The person who started it is the person you blame. Real simple. Read. Repeat. '06. '08.

Bob said...

Sure. Fire the bus driver. But also fire the DMV for giving a license to a guy who said that he was going to drive a bus into a ditch at the first opportunity. The Dems knew that Iraq wasn't a threat, and they knew they were voting for war. Still most of them voted for it.

Bush is clearly to blame. But he's not alone. The Clinton/Kerry Democrats are not progressive; they're just a slightly less bad corporate crime party. It's the DLC's fault that the Dems are now a minority party--not progressives' fault for pointing it out.

No, I don't know what to do. But I'm quite sure that Hillary Clinton and her 90,000 more troops are not the answer. I'm with Scott Ritter--vote out EVERYONE who voted for the war. (Preferably in the primaries!)

Anonymous said...

absolutely fire the bus driver.

but why fire the DMV when the bus driver is using a fake license anyway?

i say fire the bad cops and the under-the-table biz/gov dealers who can't --or won't-- do their job and keep the criminals off the road.

or better yet, put em all on the bus and let them wallow in the ditch with their driver.

who's in charge of this ride anyway?! let's get it together and get some better wheels.

pomeroo said...

I've posted heretical opinions often enough on this site to understand that whatever welcome I once enjoyed has evaporated. Still, I've been treated pretty well. My thanks to all of you.

May I ask a question that has baffled me for over two years? Does anyone out there actually think that it's remotely possible that Bush knew, or even suspected, that we would NOT find WMD in Iraq?
I mean, really, isn't that comparable to contending the water runs uphill?

A politician sitting on personal approval ratings in the high seventies CHOOSES/SELECTS/OPTS FOR the course of action that will cause him maximum damage and embarrassment? On this planet?

Bush very nearly lost a sure-thing an election because of one issue: Iraq. As the search for the missing weapons continued to come up dry, are you seriously contending that NOBODY in the White House was upset--that they were twirling their mustaches and cackling, Mwha-ha-ha-ha: the plan is working--we've nearly blown the election.

Given the sorry state of Intel, how would anyone actually know what Saddam did or didn't have?