Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Bank of America conspiracy. AIIEE!

Those of you interested in news reports from other universes may want to check out the PH Craftlove page, which argues that "Every Building in US hit by a plane has a B of A Branch in it." (Does that include the time a jet rammed into South Central L.A. in the 1980s?) Craftlove's investigations and scryings lead him to conclude that the Sears Tower, which is in the 60606 zip code, will be hit on 06-06-06.

Dare ye scoff? What if it happens?


Bob said...

Does this mean that the White House contains a BOA branch, since it was hit by a plane in 1994? (http://www-tech.mit.edu/V114/N40/crash.40w.html)

More likely, the White House IS a BOA branch.

Anonymous said...

I scoff.