Sunday, October 09, 2005

Why we fight

At Delphi Corp -- formerly a GM unit -- management salaries are skyrocketing while the workforce is taking a 63% cut.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting topic. For clarification, the article says that severance packages are increasing, not salaries. That's an important distinction.

Just as the truck driver is considering hitting the open road again, you have to think that the white collar executives are dusting off their resumes, calling around the old boys network and seeing what the available employement alternatives are.

Maybe it's the fault of the white collar executives that Delphi is on the verge of bankruptcy. Although it is odd that heavily unionized manufacturing industries all seem to be persistently on the verge of bankruptcy (steel, autos, airlines). Do you think these industries attract and employ greeder executives than in industries that are typically staffed by non-union employees?

Anyway, in my mind, the most pressing question is whether if those white collar employees leave, the rest of the workers resuscitate the company without them?