Friday, October 07, 2005

Ten! No, really. TEN!!

In his recent speech, W claimed that his administration had stopped no fewer than ten major Al Qaida terror schemes since 9/11. The heroic representative John Conyers sent this reply to Bush's Chief of Staff, Andy Card:

In yesterday's speech, President Bush stated that the U.S. and our partners have disrupted at least ten serious al Qaeda terrorist plots since September 11th, including three al Qaeda plans to attack inside the United States.

We receive regular classified briefings on terrorist threats but the number ten came as news to us. We want assurances that the details of these ten cases will be briefed to the relevant committees of Congress.

Please contact us immediately so that we may arrange such a briefing.
I suspect Conyers will be waiting a looooonnnnnggg time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor John Conyers. Seems like he's always the first to try to do the right thing and the last to get any recognition for his efforts. Good to know you're still pulling for him.