Saturday, October 29, 2005

Rove's new nickname

Since we now know that the "Official A" mentioned in the indictment is actually Karl Rove, perhaps we should refer to him as the Official A-hole.

Rove's basic defense -- "I didn't spill beans to reporters; the reporters spilt unto me!" -- is the same lie Libby told. Obviously, these guys got together and decided on a basic strategy. I doubt that they would have done so without running a few ideas past legal counsel. And who, one wonders, might have provided that counsel? If we're talking about a White House lawyer on the public payroll, no confidentiality privilege exists.


Joy Tomme said...

I surely do like the idea that Karl Rove is the Bush administration Official Asshole.

He is all of that and a load of pig slop.

Joy Tomme

Anonymous said...

Official A-hole. I like it. And if you could keep it in bold whenever you reference it, repeating it over and over and over when discussing Karl's treasonous assholish assholishness--that would be even better.