Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Is it Fitzmas yet? Or simply Fitzmas Eve?

The Grand Jury has adjourned today with no further word of indictments. Some news sources are reporting that Fitzgerald may wait until Friday before telling the world what he plans to do. Richard Sale says that the announcement will come today, but the Department of Justice appears to have doused those hopes.

Now, now. Don't pout.

Raw Story -- which has had a fine track record in this case, reports that he will bring indictments against Rove and Libby. Even better: Richard Sale, whose reporting has been terrific, tells us that Fitzgerald's real target is Cheney. He may also go after Ledeen and co. And he may even ask for another Grand Jury!

Incidentally, I hope soon to have a translation up of the third La Repubblica story. The first two parts are below -- and this is DYNAMITE stuff.

Right now, though, I have to help my ladyfriend (the college girl) do some research on David Hume. Hell of a day, ain't it?

1 comment:

progprog said...

If you're interested in Fitzmas Eve :

Twas the Night Before Fitzmas

The Poor Man Institute also has a treament.