Friday, October 28, 2005

Greeting Card

As for my own feelings...well, G.K. Chesterton once wrote a short poem titled "Lines for a Christmas Card":

"May all my enemies go to hell.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

honestly I thought that the grandjury and Fitzpatrick was nothing more than a kangaroo court. We're fortunate that any indictments have resulted and that his investigation is still allowed to proceed: this shows we still have some justice system in place. I was and am still afraid that if higher fish (W, Cheney) are indicted, this country could instead be thrown into martial law--the current slimebag BushCo would stop at nothing to hang onto power and could care less about continuing our precious "democracy".

If only Fitzpatrick could investigate all the shennigans to throw the election to Bush in Ohio,Florida, Neveda and New Mexico, he would have a real field day with all the laws that have been broken.

imagine that! a real investigation into voter suppression, vote tampering, vote fraud, voter intimidation, the endless list of tactics used by the Republicans (it is incredibly difficult to think that venerable President Abraham Lincoln came from this party). Interesting to note that the book "VoteScam" by the now deceased Collier brothers has been banned from all book stores and was never distributed. "VoteScam" documents early vote fraud/tampering back to the seventies and eighties and how judges like Scalia threw out lawsuits dealing with voterfraud before he became SupremeCourt Justic.

On a completely different topic, check out chapter 7 entitled "The Tom DeLay Saipan Sex Tour and Jack Abramoff Casino Getway" from Al Franken's new book 'The Truth' in which Al documents Abramoff making a killing on Indian casino lobbying, and Tom DeLay makes a killing to allow the current business owners on Saipan to continue their slave like conditions for sweatshop workers (they make $1.25/hour) and guest workers who are forced into prostitution and having forced abortions. (no factory workers are allowed to have children, that interferes with their putting in 12 hour days living in horrific conditions without even access to basic sanitation or clean water)

Shame on both of them for using their positions for personal gain to protect the factory owners on Saipan at the expense of poor enslaved abused women and men.