Saturday, October 01, 2005

Giant Owl by the Russian River -- AIEEE!!

Well, in the midst of the Abramoff scandal, the Delay scandal, the cronyism scandals, the war scandals, and the still-unfolding 9/11 scandals, guess what the more outerlimits conspiracy buffs have made the focus of their respectful attentions? You guessed it: The Bohemian Grove.

Yes, once more we have an "insider" account -- complete with secret footage -- of the allegedly "Satanic" frolics of the rich and the powerful. (The photos really are kind of cool.) Once more, we learn details of "the macabre rituals of the elite and their homosexual tendencies."

Oh my god! Gay sex! What about our children? Why doesn't someone think about our children? The Apocalypse must surely be nigh. Soon we will all receive the Mark of the Beast...

The afore-linked story tells us that Skull and Bones is but an adjunct to the Grove. (Wrong.) We also learn that, in times past, the narration for the main ceremony was provided by none other than "Walter Kronkite." I cind of doubt it.

The question is -- how do people on the left deal with these stories? Should we encourage their spread?

Personally, I think that all such yarns amount to piffle. Yet piffle of this sort tends to have an impact on the thinking (if it can be called thinking) of the red-state Jesusmaniacs.

Southern Fundamentalists are primitive, superstitious creatures -- throwbacks to an age before civilization. Stravinski's "The Rites of Spring" delivers a perfect musical description of their barbaric society. These proto-humanoids will never understand (say) the Tom Delay scandal, simple as that scandal is, because their eyes glaze over with incomprehension whenever someone uses the term "money laundering." But they do understand tales of sexual debauch and primal rites.

I say we should encourage the spread of all such stories. Encourage the "little piggies" to fear the "bigger piggies." (Beatles fans will understand the terminology.) Encourage the superstitious rubes to spread ghastly reports that rich Republicans eat babies and pack fudge. By all means, let us encourage the rumors that the power elite worship His Satanic Majesty in their secret enclave by the Russian River.

Anything that weakens blind faith in the G.O.P. is fine by me.


Anonymous said...

It's true--Alex Jones does connect with a lot of people you yourself can't reach. He's a showman, a PT Barnum talking about a Culture of Death practiced by the Bush and Cheney people, and darkly esoteric rituals at the Grove, and plans to subjugate America under a one-world government led by nefarious Rockefellers, Bilderburgers, and Trilateral Commissioners.

Thing is, I'm not sure he's all that off-base. His versions of the truth are MORE PLAUSIBLE THAN THOSE PROMULGATED BY THE MSM!

Sure, he oversimplifies when he demonizes. But still--he's at least calling our leaders demons, which seems beyond the capacity of the WP and the NYT.

Anonymous said...

Joseph - I like your blog but I don't go for your Cappuccino Drinkers vs Hillbillies theme one bit. You're right that some people who are sufficiently interested in the Grove to read articles about it are stupid. The same's true of many of those who read about UFOs, JFK, and most of the other widely-trumpeted 'conspiracy' themes. But why are you interested in the Grove? Are you really concerned only with how it's written up('groveography'?) and what other people think about it, rather than the reality of how these loonies get together each year to 'sacrifice' to Moloch? I doubt it. But if so, how postmodern that would be. Everything being a story, to be used in realpolitik.

And if so, then you would surely have no argument of principle against the use by GOP types of creationism, an ideology that hardly any of their big opinion-formers or opinion-purveyors actually believe in? (They don't 'believe' in anything other than profit).

Aren't you in danger of getting infected by what you oppose, when you say that bullsh*tting the plebs is OK if it helps get the Democrats elected?

And why wouldn't a future Democrat president go to the Grove himself, as Clinton did...

I know that one particular knot of gangsters in the US-based part of the ruling class is really lording it, looting whatever isn't nailed down, starting big wars, arresting practically the entire 'underclass' of New Orleans, and so on. So I'm not saying that the aforementioned part of that class is strongly united.

But...organs which both the party structures support, and in which they both play a role, such as the NED (hello Ukraine), and Congress (hello Israel), etc., don't exactly appear to be in crisis.

As for Stravinsky, he wrote The Rite of Spring, not the Rites of Spring. Not that it matters a jot. But since the point of the reference seems to have been to reinforce the blue Ballet-Goers vs red Morlocks theme, I thought some pedantry was called for :-)

