Monday, September 12, 2005


Looks like Bush's declaration of a state of emergency covered only those areas of Louisiana likely to vote Republican -- in othe words, New Orleans and other coastal areas were on their own. This map is a mind-blower. Check it out!

By the way, it was so cute to hear Rush and other Bushites scream that the blacks of New Orleans should have reached deep into their (mostly empty) pockets to shore up those levees themselves. Personal responsibility! Can't have socialism! Those were the buzz-words.

S'funny -- why doesn't Rush get hot and bothered about all that budget-busting red state pork, which comes to us courtesy so many G.O.P. legislators? I'm told that Alaska was granted not one but two bridges to uninhabited islands -- and that together, these spans cost over $400 million.

Of course, Alaskans aren't black. It's all right to toss free money at those nice palefaces.

Never mind the fact that the port city of New Orleans helped the economy of the entire country.

Remind me: Of the last four presidents, which was the only one not to run up massive debts? Let's stand for no further lectures on "personal responsibility" from those cash-wasting Republicans and their freeloading red state constituents. Those leeches haven't the right to say a single carping word.


Anonymous said...

Bill Maher was right in his hysterically funny advice to George Bush: "there's no more money, you've used it all."

Where the hell is the USA going to come up with--what are they saying now, $300 BILLION?

Are the Chinese going to lend it to us? Don't bet the farm on it. Oh, wait--the Chinese already OWN the farm...

America--wasn't that some kind of legend...?

Bob said...

"areas of Louisiana likely to vote Republican"

That was my first thought when I saw the list of parishes (before Bob Harris made the map), but I checked it against the 2004 presidential election results, and there is no obvious correlation (Bob Harris made the same check). Parishes which went for Kerry were in both the red and non-red areas, as were parishes which voted for Bush. The only real correlation I can see is that the protected parishes were the ones least needing protection.

Anonymous said...

More care, please. As the previous poster noted, you evidently misread the map.

The analysis on the link you provided drew no clear conclusions. The main confusion was whether some districts had or had not been declared disaster areas in previous months.

And there was nothing about democratic or republican areas. The red and blue colors were used for identification, not to define political affiliation.

This kind of thing does no one any good....

Anonymous said...

I disagree with the previous two posters.
The declaration (red) area had 39
parishes, 4 thinly populated ones of which
went for Kerry, and had the red cities of
Shreveport, Monroe, and Alexandria and
half the city of Baton Rogue.

The undeclared area contained about 25
parishes, 3 of which went for Kerry. It
contained the cities of greater New
Orleans, the parish of West Baton Rouge,
and the cities of Lafayette and Lake

The mere presence of some few data points
inconsistent with a proposition is not
sufficient to disprove the proposition.
Joseph's analysis is fine: we have a
large red area under no threat that had
the blessing of a disaster declaration,
and the most densely populated blue region
with a clear threat had no declaration.

Anonymous said...

"Of course, Alaskans aren't black. It's all right to toss free money at those nice palefaces."

You're right, they're not black, but they're not palefaces either -- they're native Indians. Duh

Joseph Cannon said...

I very much doubt that any native Americans in Alaska asked for mega-million dollar bridges to uninhabited islands. If you have data to the contrary, pass it along!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Joe -- I wasn't trying to make a point about the contents of your post, I just wanted to point out that you were incorrect in referring to Alaskans as 'palefaces'-- I suppose many are (Caucasians), but most are Eskimos, or rather North American native Indians -- hardly palefaces (hey, I'm part Indian myself, so guess I have a sensitivity there!)

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