Tuesday, September 27, 2005

A gun for Gannon!

You'll enjoy this photo of he-ho Jeff Gannon lending a hand (or some other appendage) to a miniscule pro-war rally in DC. The guy standing next to JimJeff is holding up a sign: "Let our troops finish their mission."

Odd thing...the fellow displaying this message seems to be of military age. If he (unlike most of his fellow citizens) considers the "mission" a worthy undertaking, what's he doing here?

And what about JimJeff himself? In his hooker ads, he claimed to be a Marine -- a claim as fraudulent as his concurrent insistence that he had been washed in the blood of the Lamb. Why doesn't he "get real"? If he really believes in Bush's grand oil theft, why doesn't he sign up? In recent times, the armed forces have become particularly lenient when it comes to sexual orientation -- or so I've heard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The photographer has reposted the pic with some new ones and wrote an article

Joe Tresh