Tuesday, September 27, 2005


This site usually carries a new post on or by Monday. But I've been busy painting frogs.

No, really. The life of a computer graphics dude takes some strange twists. For the past four or five days I've had to complete the MFP (Massive Froggie Project). I was happy for the gig, and happy that the guy with the checkbook liked the results -- but last night I dreamt about frogs. That's how many hours this project has taken.

So if you want to know why I wasn't at the anti-war rally, you now have my toadly lame excuse. As Charles Fort once said, "We may judge an existence by its frogs."

Really fascinating political stuff will appear within hours. It'll be just ribbiting.


Anonymous said...

mate, mention charles fort in context, and you've got a reader for life here :)

Anonymous said...

Ah, real work, a likely story. Everyone knows we leftish folks don't do any real work. We're just loafers, freeloaders, con artists and fakes. Good luck with that fascinating political analysis, FAKER. :-)