Thursday, August 11, 2005

Is THIS the most important story of our time?

An area of Siberia, roughly equivalent to France in size, has melted. See here. The rightists still insist that global warming is a myth. As Jack Lemmon said in The Great Race: "When the water reaches my lower lip, I'm sure gonna mention it to somebody."


gary said...

Actually, according to the article the area is the size of France and Germany combined.

Anonymous said...

the most important that Hitler and the entire Nazi infrastructure survived the superficial 'cleansing" of Germany after the war and is now surfacing in full costume again in the comic Opera.."The World is Up for grabs"..Ccha Cha Cha.
Since nobody is looking anymore,,for Nazis,,the real ones..that now control all major Multi National Corporations as well as the military industrial complex, they are stealthily taking their positions for the final act. If only the fat woman would sing again.