Monday, August 15, 2005


The most important story of our time has been at least partially confirmed by Sy Hersh and CNN. Click here. While Hersh does not replicate all the details of the Giraldi piece, the basics are in place, including Cheney's assumption of the Commander in Chief role, and the air strike plans.

Also see this important story in the Guardian.

Meanwhile, rumors continue to swirl around the extremely rare firing of four-star General Kevin P. Byrnes, allegedly fired for sexual misconduct. (He dated another woman while legally separated from his wife.) Many believe that the real reason for his firing was his reticence to go along with Cheney's plans against Iran.

This piece by Greg Szymanski claims that Byrnes was also involved in the now-underway nuclear training exercises at Ft. Monroe. (We have discussed these exercises previously.)

Reports have surfaced that Gen. Byrnes was also fired due to certain irregularities involved in the nuclear training session, which is set to simulate a large nuclear bomb being brought on board a ship into a large U.S. city.

Bush critics also site the danger of these "simulated attacks" since the same type of training sessions occurred just prior to both 9/11 and 7/7, with simulated jetliner and subway attack training exercises providing an eerie backdrop for the actual attacks that followed.
(I should confess that the above-linked story also quotes the notorious Lyndon LaRouche, although no important allegation in the piece rests entirely on information supplied by LaRouche or his organization.)

The Byrnes firing has sparked an important discussion on Democratic Undergound, where a poster claims to have confirmed from (unnamed) journalists that "adultery" was not the real reason for the dismissal.


Barry Schwartz said...
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Barry Schwartz said...
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Barry Schwartz said...

I still haven't figured out what is the supposed significance of training sessions ironically coinciding with actual jobs. Isn't that _why_ people train for things?

Am I supposed to be suspicious when I go to a baseball game early and find the players there _on the same day_ taking batting practice and rehearsing the double play pivot?