Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I'm back...

I took a vow to blog no more forever until certain projects were done. They're still not done, but write I must.

Alas, the piece I just spent the last hour composing got eaten by blogger! That hasn't happened to me in ages. Well, maybe I'll try again...


Anonymous said...

BAD Blogger! Eating Joe's funny posts! First Google, now Blogger. Stop it! We NEED Joe's posts!!!

Barry Schwartz said...

Blogger sucks. Switch to LiveJournal. It's much friendlier for commenters and followup discussions, methinks, and it runs on copylefted software that is under active development.

(How difficult it is to customize the layout I don't know, I'm still using canned stuff.)

Anonymous said...

After several nasty such adventures, I have learned.

I compose the damned things in Word and save them separately. Then bung 'em into blogger.

Yea verily, I have seen the light!