Saturday, August 06, 2005

Gassing New York

Newsday reports that the Department of Homeland Security will gas New York's streets and subways. The intent is to use harmless substances to trace the potential damage of an airborne chemical attack. The test gases will include PFT, or perfluorocarbon tracer gas, and sulfur hexafluoride. I have no reason to doubt that these substances are benign.

Even so, let's keep in mind that this is not the first time New York has been gassed by the federal government. Exactly similar tests occurred in the 1950s, pursuant to the CIA's Project MKULTRA and cognate Defense Department programs. The simulated attacks were designed to test the spread of airborne biological agents and airborne chemicals. The tests in New York and San Francisco were quite extensive -- presumably more extensive than the three-week project about to get underway.

Back then, the vapors included "safe" bacteria such as Bacillus globigii and Serratia marcescans. In later years, activists in San Francisco came to believe that these substances may not have been so friendly after all. A lawsuit against the government was attempted; it failed.

For a fascinating history of tests on unwitting American populations, see this page.

My question is this: Why bother?

Why conduct new studies when the data from the old ones should provide all the needed information ? Why not just call up the old files? Why re-invent the wheel?

Paranoid folk will recall that the World Trade Center attack took place during an exercise designed to test our air defense system. We now have similar exercises scheduled for the near future, in two separate areas: The threat of a ship-borne nuclear payload, and the threat of an airborne chemical attack...


Anonymous said...


Jeezus, this is scary stuff! between the simulated seaborn nuclear military exercise and now this gassing of NYC subway stations, I get the feel our country is gearing for some major castrophe which will result in this country shifting over to martial law in the very near future.

This is what bushco has wanted all along. In Fahrenheit 9/11, he is quoted as saying "dictatorship is so much easier" and it appears that this will come to pass sooner than later now that a majority of the public no longer believe that Bush is telling the truth and doing an exceptionally bad job in Iraq.

continue with deep breathing. breath in, then out. ten times, then repeat.

Barry Schwartz said...

I think it's even worse than suggested above. I think people are both seeking new knowledge and practicing what they are paid to do!

Anonymous said...

You say "this is not the first time New York has been gassed by the federal government. Exactly similar tests occurred in the 1950s".

See also the spraying of New York with malathion and other toxic pesticides in 1999 and 2000, from light aircraft, helicopters, and lorries (US: trucks). The aim was supposedly to counter the West Nile Virus.

Anonymous said...

I live in midtown where the spraying occurred. A day after they supposedly released this crap, I came down with a horrid hacking cough that I've had for over a week. Last night, I woke up coughing so hard that I almost threw up. People who aren't pissed about this "harmless" gassing have their heads up their asses.
Hack hack. Wheeze wheeze. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

yes supposedly there is a new cold/chest/flu going around, the kind that leads to walking amnonia. do you also feel a bit more depressed, anxious and then start having thoughts that Bush is a great president after all?

if so this so called harmless stuff could have something to do with "programming" the population.


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