Thursday, July 07, 2005

Thoughts on the London attacks

The proper first response to such an atrocity is, of course, outrage. Brutality of this sort tempts me to a belief in Hell, because I'd like to see the perpetrators end up there.

An act of war? In the wake of the London outrage, we will no doubt hear an updated version of one of the key propaganda points offered by apologists for the Bush administration's "war on terror." Radio reactionaries convinced their disciples that liberals wanted to respond to 9/11 legalistically rather than militarily. In the alternative reality created by GOP propagandists, wimpy Dems said "Call the cops" instead of "Tell it to the Marines."

Democrats deny the charge. They insist that they would never shrink from a war, if that war targeted the correct foe.

But the time has come to ask ourselves whether declaring "war" on terrorism has become as pointless an exercise as declaring "war" on cancer or drugs. War is fought between states. (Civil war, fought within a state, provides the sole exception to this rule.) Terrorists are not state actors.

Rightists may scoff at those who those who (in their imaginative propaganda) would reduce anti-terrorism to a matter of making arrests. But what have the Bushites accomplished by insisting on war-for-war's-sake -- by invading a country unresponsible for the World Trade Center attacks?

More calendar pages separate this date from September 11, 2002 than stood between VJ-day and attack on Pearl Harbor, yet Osama Bin Laden remains free. Perhaps we would have nabbed the mastermind by now, if Bush had not misled us into the Iraq quagmire. Without Iraq, our forces might have had more mobility within Pakistan. They certainly would have had more sheer numbers within Afghanistan.

Propagandists will now claim that the London attack justifies Bush's war. But -- unless a state actor is discovered -- the attack on that city's transportation system should be classified as a crime against humanity, not as a casus belli.

Britons do no injury to their national pride if they invoke Justitia instead of Mars. We Americans were so mad to follow Shakespeare's advice -- "imitate the tiger" -- that we fell into a tiger-trap. Britons will prove themselves our betters if they insist on taking the fight to the enemy, as opposed to settling for any enemy. They should call upon the spirit of Holmes, not Hotspur.

Cooked evidence?. Xymphora has already suggested that the Bush administration will find evidence blaming the attacks on a state actor. The only question (in Mr. X's mind) is which state -- Iran or Syria?

Advance warning. Intriguingly, the Israelis received advanced warning of the attack:

The Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting in Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel room rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he was to address and economic summit.
Should we take this to me mean that the Israelis knew not only that an attack was imminent, but also where the attack would take place? Was Netanyahu himself targeted?

A striking thought, that. How could a terrorist leaving a bomb-laden package behind on a train be absolutely sure where that train would be at the time of detonation?

Fox News responds characteristically. Fox News host Brian Kilmeade, in an on-air exchange with fellow-Foxer Stuart Varney, opined that this outrage "works to our advantage." Nobody ever accused Fox News of good taste.

Varney responded:

It puts the Number 1 issue right back on the front burner right at the point where all these world leaders are meeting. It takes global warming off the front burner. It takes African aid off the front burner.
I'm not at all persuaded that taking attention away from global warming or Africa's miseries off will prove advantageous to anyone except Bush, Cheney and Rove.

Perhaps Fox should have thought twice before reminding us to ask "Cui bono?"

Tony Blair: Say what you like about him, he met crisis with dignity. When our country came under attack in 2001, our leader spent long minutes staring into space like a confused Stan Laurel. At least the Brits were spared that sight.


Jenius said...

Wonder if ol' man Rove is fixin' up some of that thar evidence that'll point to Iranian bombers.

Yeesh! Turdblossom done got me paranoid.

Anonymous said...

After reading the Wikipedia and Xymphora posts carefully, this sure has all the earmarks of a Bush Administration outsourcing job.

M.O.? Perhaps through an intelligence agency (Mossad springs to mind given Netanyahu's early heads-up), or directly from the shadow govt's sub-CIA or sub-military cutout operation to its Al Qaeda clients using less guessable intermediaries. My guess: British MI is not involved, but moles in the UK must be.

But I doubt this is a British-made operation. The timing is just too good for the USA. Pretty good for the UK as well, but as Xymphora points out, the USA gets a bye on the climate change conference, and that is just way too convenient.

It should also help pick up sagging poll numbers for both Bush and Blair, who as allies can count on some synergy. They can look statesmanlike (at least Blair can; Bush doesn't know how).

Wish I could say Bush is innocent in this, but alas these are men who cannot govern in a peaceful nation. They need crises to matter how much it may cost in the lives of their own citizens.

High treason (again), anyone?

Anonymous said...

It sounds crazy, to be sure (what doesn't, these days?) but what if Britain is being "punished" for the release of the DSM memos?

Nunzia Rider said...

Reports that Israel was warned ahead of time were incorrect ... the Embassy received an unspecific call about explosions AFTER the first two blasts, which occurred within 6 minutes of each other. The next one was 20 minutes later, and the last one half an hour after that.

Liverpool was the first blast. After all the explosions and such, the Embassy decided not to send Netanyahu to the conference after the blast had occurred.

Barry Schwartz said...

Is it just me, or is the bombing of Britons provoking a stronger affective response than did the bombing of Spanish people?

Barry Schwartz said...

Regarding speculations that the timing is too convenient for Bush not to be (pretty much directly) involved --

I'm days short of 44, and all my life things like this have been happening. Never has there been a shortage of them. Also, there rarely is a time when a distraction would not be convenient for Bush. Therefore the convenience of the timing means nothing.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that Bush's 9/11 behavior can simply be chalked up to ineptitude.

Have you ever read:

An Interesting Day:
President Bush's Movements and Actions on 9/11

Almost seems like a coup d'etat.

Anonymous said...

I thought the argument for secrecy in government had, partly, to do with protecting the integrity of the workings of the state. So, there was a perceived need to do things, for the good of the people, that couldn't be done out in public. WaPo Graham had this in mind when she suggested there were truths the press shouldn't be telling the people.

However, it seems the down side of this kind of protection is that when the credibility of the state is questioned, as it rightly is after the liberal killings, the wars, the 9-11 murders, the pilfering from government funds, and all, no one has any right to believe a word they say.

So, other than re-negotiate agreements with the rest of the world, we should turn all the lights on in those long dark cesspools of government.

Anonymous said...

I see many Americans are already cowering in fear at the reality of their own government's hand once again in all of this "terrorism".

Of course some will denounce the reports of Israel foreknowledge even though it was from two reliable different sources, one in the Israeli embassy and one in British Intelligence. They said the same thing when we uncovered 2 seperate cells of Mossad agents tailing the 9-11 hijackers in Venice, Florida and San Diego. All together more than 120 Israeli spies were caught posing as art students in the two months following 9-11. In any case, BOTH news reports said Netanyahu received a warning BEFORE the bomb. Not only hasn't the AP recanted their report, but Israel's own publication, Arutz Sheva, stands by their report as well.

Look it up. Trust me, this aint no joke. I suggest you research and find out what leaks came out of the Bilderberg meeting this past May if you really want to know what's in store for us all. Trust me, they're not done with the "terrorism". The London bombing wasn't sensational enough, they botched it.

For fearless truth, I suggest...

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