Monday, July 18, 2005

Stray notes

The Downing Street Memo is now on the air: Check it out...

Beyond that...

1. There's too much going on! And I do not have enough time to discuss all of it, or even most of it.

2. I apologize to John Aravosis for misspelling his name in a recent post. I grant him (and Paul Lehto) the right to spell my name in any fashion they choose. Suggested misspellings: "Canon," "Kanon," "Conan," "Canoon," and "Akeem the Merciless."

3. I try not to acknowledge righties who post nonsense to the comments section. My usual policy is to allow them to say whatever they please. This time, though, I so pissed off that I've decided to delete a pack of lies about Joseph Wilson posted by a reactionary stooge who (for whatever reason) enjoys tweaking our noses.

Go ahead. Call me a censor. I don't care. You don't like my decision? Get your own damn blog.

For the record: Wilson provably never said that Cheney sent him on the mission to Niger. His wife did not arrange the choice of her husband. The New Hampshire Union Leader may proclaim otherwise; doing so only proves their bias. The leaked "revelations" of last Friday's (form Rove's lawyer, obviously) prove only that Republicans hope that no-one in the public will compare the current lies against previously revealed material.

The Agee law defines a covert agent of the CIA as someone who has served in the capacity within the previous five years. This fact renders irrelevant the question of whether or not Valerie Wilson was playing Jane Bond at the time of the Niger trip or at the time her husband published the article.

That's how Repblicans operate: They lie and lie and lie. If a lie doesn't take the first time, they keep repeating it. They are paid to repeat horsecrap ad infinitum. Alas, paid workers will usually outperform voluntary labor.


Peter of Lone Tree said...

Good choice on the deletions, Joe. We had an invasion of trolls a couple weeks back over at Blondesense right about the time the Plame/Wilson business started heating up. Liz finally put an announcement at the top of the "comments" about not responding.
The trolling kinda makes me wonder if "they" are getting a little nervous about things.

Barry Schwartz said...

How about if they call you Josephitis Cannorosis? :)

Personally, I would not allow any trolling at all. If a person in my judgment was trolling, I'd delete the stuff, ban the person, and so forth. It's not done as a punishment, but out of responsibility not to augment the spread of psychiatric disorder. It's like banning the dumping of shit in the city reservoir.

In the 1980s, early '90s, I was somewhat of a troll, but I'd ban my old self in a minute. It was nothing but a narcissistic symptom of 'mental' illness and an attempt to disrupt other people's nervous systems similarly. I refer to the nervous systems of those who find themselves compelled to feed the troll -- the troll is a vector for their nervous overexcitement.

Debates over 'censorship' are a waste of time. It is a public health issue more than a 'moral' one. You are free to 'censor' anyone you like, and the question is just whether you do it well or badly.

Anonymous said...

"His wife did not arrange the choice of her husband."

Joe? I love you. I take back all the mean thoughts I had about you for some not-so-nice comments you made a couple of posts back. The faith? She is restored. Now don't lose me again, hmmm? Thanks.