Friday, July 01, 2005

Goodbye, Sandra Day O'Connor; goodbye abortion rights

Maybe, in the long run, Justice O'Connor did her country a service by walking away from the job at this point. Of course, as Keynes said, "In the long run, we are all dead."

Still, given the far right's control of congress, the presidency, the media, religion and most other social institutions, I've come to the conclusion that the only way for the ultra-conservative movement to fail is for it to succeed. That is: The religious right must finally achieve an end to abortion, while the warmongers must be forced into the position of instituting a draft.

Illegal abortion and a renewed draft will not only prove unpopular, they will be inconvenient. Many millions of people will find their lives made more difficult.

Their lives are already more difficult, of course -- but in ways that lack immediacy or easy comprehension. We are passing onto our children the costs of a misbegotten war, kickbacks to the wealthy, corporate socialism and environmental deregulation. Red State hillbillies are simply too damn stupid to understand the dangers of a massive deficit funded by foreign interests. They are too damn stupid to understand that our national influence and military might will erode if we continue to export jobs.

But the hillbillies love abortions as much as they love beer and cigarettes. They pretend otherwise, of course -- they pretend to be Christians who would never countenance an out-of-wedlock orgasm. Even so, they are the unteachable ninnies who never learned the art and science of the baby-free boff. And they will miss the right to an abortion once they well and truly feel its absence.


Milo Johnson said...

YES! Exactly. The Nutzis and Prezdunt Dark W. Helmet need to be permitted to show themselves as what they truly are and that is the ONLY way people will see the light and finally understand that freedom means free to choose.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the only way to stop the conservative movement is with its success; thereafter, when the first child or woman dies from an illegal abortion, when birth control prescriptions won't be filled, when outside forces are making families' life and death decisions, when government is so very intrusive in everyone's life, then, and I believe only then, will this hard-hearted, righteous movement be stopped. I hope they succeed and quickly since that will be the beginning of the end.

Anonymous said...

So right. So right.

Anonymous said...

The trouble is, the sum total of the damage will be irreversible. War, debt, abrogated civil liberties, environmental degradation, the rule of the Chamber of Commerce, hatred of the U.S. by billions of people throughout the world -- there will be no way to undue this disaster of benighted governance at the ballot box, even if Democrats actually stood for something markedly different (which, alas, they don't).

What's coming is the end of American empire, and there's no stopping our own self-immolation.

Anonymous said...

One smaaaall ray of hope - a CNN poll released today reveals that 65% want a justice who will uphold Roe v Wade and 47% of REPUBLICANS want it upheld. Unscientific? Yes. But I do wonder what kinds of political forces the more moderate republican senators will be dealing with in the next few months, especially Arlen Spector -pro-choice republican Chair of the Judiciary Committee.

Kim in PA

Kim in PA

Anonymous said...

It all started at the end of WWll, or rather, a couple years before the end of WWLL..when Hitler, realizing he was "probobly" going to lose the war, because of his losses in Russia,..planned the survival of the Reich. He instructed Bormann to "bury the treasure".(please read "Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile", available free on the internet..Google it..Dave Emory)
Bormann, his most trusted aide and confidant, began the arduous process of organizing the flight capital., creating dummy corporations, partnering in international cabals, and secretly forming agreements with many multinational corporations, At the same time Hitler was negotiating with OSS agent, Allen Dulles, to forge a separate peace with the West.
At that time, Dulles, an OSS agent under Donovan, secretly represented the Fascist leaning Wall Street interests..ala, Prescott Bush, and operated "behind the back" of Roosevelt , to reach secret arrangements with Hitler. With the death of Roosevelt, the doors were opened for the Allies to rush into the Rhineland..scoop up the scientists..secret weapons.( including disc shaped aircraft), mind control insights gathered from experiments on the millions of human guinea pigs, .blueprints..patents..and elite Nazi SS personel, and clandestinely secreted them into the United States..illegally and as an act of treason.
Allen Dulles, with the able assistance of Reinhard Gehlen, Hitlers chief of intel. on the Eastern Front, formed theCIA, outside the "will of congress," as the steroid laden arm of the Fascist leaning Multinational Corporations.. and the cold war began..with the help of Joseph McCarthy and the American today, when the major media (and Congress), roll over and play dead, on critical issues such as Vietnam (after Kennedys assasination by the same power group), .Iraq..and many other takeovers post WWll..
That, my brothers and sisters, is the root of the problem..go for the roo, t like ex Congressperson Ms. Holzman is doing in her investigations of the Nazi intusion into America..or AmerCIA take your pick.

Barry Schwartz said...

'Red state hillbillies' are not whom I'm thinking of -- I'm thinking of the navel-peering liberals who thought they could vote for Nader instead of Gore because there was no way Roe v Wade could be overturned.

We really must stop being Democrats. Being a Democrat has become like an addiction -- instead of taking 'it' to get high, now we are taking 'it' to ward off the withdrawal pain, while our condition gets worse and worse. We have to go through the withdrawal, even though it hurts; we cannot just keep on taking the dope.

Anonymous said...

Make no mistake, Nazi influences on the development of our USA-as-we-know-it-today are the core story, the one everybody turns a blind eye to and walks fast in the other direction.

A good summary of the Holtzman et al investigations of Operation Paperclip and other Nazi incursions is at

Unfortunately for us all, in a very real sense we won World War II only to lose it. The escaped Nazis became a strong underpinning of the US political way of life. It’s a perfect illustration of the old maxim that as soon as you defeat your enemy, you become him.

The amnestied Nazis first surfaced as thugs in the Nixon administration, but their first real influence on policy became obvious immediately following the attempted assassination of President Reagan in 1981. (That the assassination attempt was Bush-instigated seems fairly obvious. Cui bono, and a lot of evidence too. Just look into it, you’ll be amazed.) Even though it didn’t kill Reagan, it still benefited Bush Sr., as it essentially gave him control of the government during a brief period when Everything Happened.

While Reagan basked in convalescence and enjoyed his new role as Spurious American Hero (The President Who Survived Assassination, unlike JFK), King George Bush I was given decisive control over intelligence (think Saddam and Bin Ladin), drug policy enforcement (think Golden Triangle drug trafficking), political murder (think Olaf Palme of Sweden, one among many) and other interesting functions of US government.

Bush I in his first term was pretty nasty but in some respects ineffective, because he did not muster sufficient Congressional support to create the dictatorship he might have enjoyed. American history since that date, however, has been the story of the effort to put a more effective Bush on the throne (by cooked election if necessary), and make sure (by cooked election if necessary) that he controlled all three branches of the government. This became possible with the neocon overturn in the 90s.

The Right Rev. George Bush II was the perfect choice. It was he who, with his principal adviser Rove (himself assertedly grandson of a Nazi bigwig, a Gauleiter = regional boss) had best internalized the lessons of Hitler and the top Nazis: Himmler, Bormann, and notably Goebbels.

Prime among these was the Big Lie. Tell it often enough and everybody will believe it. If somebody calls you on it, just ignore them. Don’t explain, don’t deny, just keep telling the same Big Lie consistently. We see it working itself out in the phony WMD case…the insistence that Social Security is “in trouble” and “needs fixing” when it doesn’t…pick your own favorite examples.

But many other Nazi techniques became standardized in Bush family practice. Notably hegemony-through-unnecessary-war, gutting of the middle class and creation of a Third World-style impoverished nation with a rich upper crust, intimidation and fear tactics, autocratic governance, internment-and-terror camps (Abu Ghraib, Gitmo), stolen elections, hit-squad techniques of press intimidation, the list goes on. They and their neocon henchmen are “Friendly Fascists” – a consumer-friendly capitalist version of the Nazi High Command. Buy off the people in the hinterland with TV bread-and-circuses and junk goods like the explorers trading beads and mirrors to the Indians, and nobody will care if you wreck the country.

That is essentially the trouble with the “things have to get worse before they get better” argument. I am very sympathetic to “Let them get as bad as they can so that people will puke and the whole right wing con will be anathema for decades,” except for one thing. That was what the right-leaning industrialists and power elites in Germany decided to do in the 1930s because it suited certain of their goals. It worked for them for a while, till Germany went down the drain.

Of course elites rescue elites. When German industry was flat on its face in 1945, America Lend-leased and Marshall-planned to get them back on their feet. We got big credit for unselfish giving, but the Marshall Plan and so on were a calculated political act with diabolic consequences, helping to create the basis of the military-industrial complex Eisenhower warned about and the corporate-crony hegemony that plagues us now.

Still, we probably will have to trough out. I agree America the Beautiful is on track to disintegration. Almost certainly economic slide will bring on a form of police state. It Can, of course, Happen Here. Some would say it already has.

A notable development is the present bill in Congress to remove the two-term limit from the presidency. This could well succeed. Then Bush can be President-For-Life.

Sure, “the country would never stand for this.” But let me suggest we will not have the choice. The administration and the 50 states control huge firepower, police power and all the apparatus necessary to enforce dictatorship. It’s all in place and can you fight it? I would love to say yes, but I doubt it.

As we’re a very rich country there will be any number of vultures salivating to pick our bones, from the Bushes themselves and all their hundreds of pals to certain elite neighbors elsewhere, such as Japan and, guess who, the Bush Family’s great friends, the Saudi royals.

Wouldn’t hurt to learn Arabic.

The one hope is that the present Rove controversy, the Downing Street memos, the evidence of malfeasance in office and contravention of international law, not to mention High Treason (the evidence is sufficient) will combine to undercut Bush’s hegemony in time. Everything depends on the public puking all over Bush in sufficient numbers so that even the Republican moderates in Congress will turn on him. That’s the Game Plan. It’s pretty shaky. I wish I knew of a fallback, but I don’t.

Anonymous said...

To the last anonymous post that started with "Make no mistake, Nazi influences on the development of our USA-as-we-know-it-today are the core story, the one everybody turns a blind eye to and walks fast in the other direction. "

thank you for your erudite and in-depth nightmarish state of the union analysis. I have one question if you skip down to the bottom of this post.

I too hope that the US masses awaken from its stupor and does something to check BushCo's obvious push to implement martial law/start up a new draft/turn this country into a complete fascist police state in which white women (not the minorities) lose their right to have a legal/safe abortion for starters.

Just a FYI that there is one ray of sunshine here: regarding the drug trade/golden triangle that BushCo was overseeing with their good friend, that man of peace who was based in malaysia, the world's most powerful evil druglord who was a very powerful friend of the Bushco is gone ("dead") as of last Sept 5th, 2004. This is the man that George Bush Sr met secretly with after he lost to plan his son's texas governor election. Same man who gave Richard Scaife hundreds of millions through his dummy companies to finance the "elfs" to bring down Clinton, to finance the rightwing takeover of congress/senate in the nineties. this individual and his evil empire is gone thanks to Israel's unnamed secret services. to write his name here will do little good because it was nver published in mainstream media and never ever acknowledged by the US gov. but I will write it anyway (chin lee).

So, perhaps the US (at least California stays on the map another decade or so) will continue intact a little longer since the US farright Christian extremists had counted on this psycho to carry out his plan or "god's plan" to destroy the SF Bay Area in the nineties as divine punishment for their sodom and gomorrah lifestyles. and were greatly disappointed!

question: is there any books you recommend regarding learning more about all the secret experiments with mind control that were directed/conducted/overseen by Richard Helms in the fifties and sixties? anyway to get more info about Richard Helms and his background? I've done a search on Amazon and haven't found much. It's said that Helms destroyed all documentation on these projects after Nixon fired him in 1973.


from an unsung hero who has survived

Anonymous said...

And as if to rub salt into the wound, Iran legalised abortion about 2 or 3 months ago.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is a complete waste of my time and fingertips, because you all are completely sold out to the "don't-confuse-me-with-the-facts" crowd; but are you aware that your high goddess Margaret Sanger...yes, that exalted high priestess who founded Planned Parenthood, the mother of all abortion clinics (heehee, now there an oxymoron for you!)...was a disciple of none other than Hitler...the big Swastika-wearing seigheil himself! Just a few of her comments include: "Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race." "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." "Eugenic sterilization is an urgent need...We must prevent multiplication of this bad stock." "[Our objective is] unlimited sexual gratification without the burden of unwanted children."

While she preached this garbage, she had abandoned her own children to go live a hedonistic lifestyle all over the world. Even Past President of Planned Parenthood, Faye Wattleton said, as Sanger's 100th birthday approached, "As we celebrate the 100th birthday of Margaret Sanger, our outrageous and our courageous leader, we will probably find a number of areas in which we may find more about Margaret Sanger than we thought we wanted to know.

It's always a shame to idolize an unworthy hero, but Sanger fits that bill and far more.

One more point...after reading the comments on this blog, if we are considered the "meanspirited" side, I shudder to think in what spirit the left is to be considered! The hatred and venom spewed forth here is almost unmatched...except from other liberal sources!