Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Egg meets face: One bizarro bomb story goes "poof"

Yesterday, we discussed the strange assertions attributed to one Peter Power. No, that's not the name of a porn actor -- he's a crisis management consultant in Britain. According to a story on the Alex Jones website, Power

...was running a 1,000 person strong exercise which drilled the London Underground being bombed at the exact same locations, at the exact same times, as happened in real life.
Moreover, the Jones account alleged that Power's firm functioned as a cover for "government terrorists."

Rather large claims. Jones backed them up with links to BBC interviews.

An interesting blog named Wagnews (a site previously unknown to me, until Xymphora linked to it) sets the record straight. To put the matter very briefly, Alex Jones seems to have misrepresented his source material. What happened in London did not recapitulate the "Vigilant Guardian" exercise on 9/11.

A reader has already slapped my wrist -- correctly -- for placing even momentary faith in an article co-written by the conspiracy-minded Jones. That man's love of a good scare seems to have overcome his common sense. And not for the first time.

How (you may ask) could I possibly be guilty of such a lapse in judgment? And will such lapses occur in the future?

I'd love to answer those questions. Unfortunately, these inquiries arise in the context of an ongoing investigation. Since I am doing everything possible to cooperate with the investigators, it would be inappropriate for me to comment further at this time.


Milo Johnson said...

No egg, just one less red herring to worry about. The pile of the inevitable spurious reports has been reduced by one.

Anonymous said...

oh I see. Suddenly conspiracy is a bad word to you. Bottom line. Thin Ice.

Anonymous said...

sets what record straight? The fact that Powers said there were private (bank) funded drills going on that coincided? Or that Alex Jones reading into what Powers said as Gov't coverup is true? You are obfuscating the facts. You are a shill. No suprise. Traitors are abound.

Anonymous said...

so Alex Jones was obviously a thin ice shill who exposes 95% truth and when crucial obfuscates the truth. I saw the Powers TV video. I know what he said. how Alex Jones interprets it does not negate in anyway that Powers said on TV that drills occurred that DID RECAPITULATE (could you find a more obfuscative word?) the 9/11 drills. And mentioning porn is also more obfuscation to try and make the head swim. Good luck. THIN ICE

Anonymous said...

better get your bags packed mother fucker because people are waking up

Anonymous said...

is this irony...or just a rant from a single person, bolstering his claim with anonymous tags...no egg on your face...you just throw it at the wall...and see what falls...keep up the good work

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


[repairing useless blooger software f up]


btw, isn't that fintane one massive ego tripper. should rename his blog " wagthedognews"

-marc-crimes and corruptions

Anonymous said...

blogger is shit. here's the rest of the link, maybe.


London Underground Exercises: Peter Power Responds
