Monday, June 13, 2005

The next fashion trend: Pink Triangles

The leader of a Christian lobbying group wants gays to wear warning labels, just like the pink triangles they had to sport under Uncle Adolf. Apparently, gays pose a "health risk" and therefore must be identified.

By the way -- anyone who views this suggestion with alarm is considered guilty of "celebrating" the gay life style. Such is the all-or-nothing mentality of fundamentalism: Anyone who advocates a "live and let live" attitude is automatically considered a celebrant.

Some people still maintain that only alarmists draw comparison between modern times and the Nazi era. Heads up, my ostrich friends: It's happening again.


Anonymous said...

y'know,that ostrich image is so compelling for so many situations, is it not?

and think of the view we get up here on the ground in 'reality' land with all those heads buried in the sand:


Anonymous said...

The only solution is for EVERYONE to wear pink triangles.

That would nip their fascism in the bud.

As they used to say, it takes a pretty big jail to hold the whole population of the U.S. ... or, since Righties would surely refuse petulantly to be part of the game, half the population.

Anonymous said...

Gee...if Banucci is so excited about visual identifications, maybe he'd like Right Wing Christians to wear some sort of logo or identifying mark so we'd all know who they are and could run away from them on sight.

Oh, wait, I forgot. A lot of them do. It's a little silver image of an instrument of torture...