Thursday, June 02, 2005

New film predicts nuclear threat to Chicago

Thanks to a reader, I can pass along a link to a new film about nuclear terrorism called The Last Best Chance; the movie stars Fred Thompson and was financed by those lovable funsters, Warren Buffett and Sam Nunn. Get this: They're giving it away as a FREE DVD.

The target of the attack, according to this scenario: Chicago.

Last Best Chance was produced with support from the Nuclear Threat Initiative, with additional funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

This film is based on facts. Some events depicted may have already happened. Some may be happening now. All may happen in the near future if we don't act now to prevent them.
More prep work.


Anonymous said...

hm. makes you wonder if your old psychic girlfriend was actually dreaming this movie.

Anonymous said...

More trial balloons from Syria and Iran this week. Prep work indeed.

Anyone heard from Scott Ritter lately?

Unirealist makes a good point in the thread below, that our military can't handle an attack on Iran right now...but what about Syria?

Anonymous said...

This is scary. The scariest part of it all is the sense that we are, as you suggest, being prepared for it. That makes one all the more fearful. It is easy to dismiss it all as doomsaying, yet in the back of one's mind is the lingering fear that there is an inevitability about it. The current power structure has a sense that it is losing "traction," and one fears the only solution, in their minds, is to manufacture or allow another (more frightening) 9/11 to gain some kind of legitimacy. But the expense of it all ... is horrifying. Let's hope we are just crazy.

Barry Schwartz said...

Do you realize everyone in the whole goddam world expecting an attack on Chicago makes the 'psychic' lady's 'precognition' _less_ likely? What you need is for her to predict things that are 'unpredictable', that only other 'psychics' can predict, but they come true. Tout le monde knows Chicago is vulnerable.

Anonymous said...


There was no link to the film in the post...

Anonymous said...

How likely is it that so wide a range of persons -- from right-wing extremists to Warren Buffett and Sam Nunn -- are engaged in a conspiracy to prepare Americans for a nuclear attack on Chicago, to be perpetrated by the Bush Administration, so as to accomplish what our two parties have already achieved -- a virtual one-party state, the freedom to lie with impunity and a thoroughly subservient corporate media?

Do you know how much wealth would vanish in an instant if such a bomb went off in a major American city? I'm talking not just about property damage, but the consequences to the world financial system. And for what? To get rid of the New York Times?

Please, guys....

Admin said...

This Chicago girl is greatly appreciative of this article. It helps everyone think ahead.

Hopefully it won't come true.

America's Work Stories

Anonymous said...

Get a grip, dude. This "nuking of Chicago" hysteria would be downright irresponsible if it wasn't so patently ludicrous -- even Commander Cuckoobananas wouldn't be enough of an imbecile to pull a stunt so extreme as to send us all back to the hunter/gatherer days.

Sorry, Joseph, but to put it as politely as possible, you're shooting your credibility straight to hell with this nonsense.

Barry Schwartz said...

What bothers me is that everyone knows that 'primitive' cultures do rituals that they believe cause things to happen, when in fact there is no connection. Therefore we all know, or can reason from what we know, that human brains somehow can believe what has no 'real' evidence to support it. How does that happen?

Someone is supposed to have precognition and predicts Chicago will be blown up. Then we are given signs that person after person expects Chicago to be blown up, or is somehow preparing for that to happen. If you take all that together, you get that lots of people are afraid Chicago will be blown up; it's easy to be 'psychic' when you are predicting the latest fad prognostication. But suppose you have already accepted as if it were a postulate, that this person had genuine 'precognition' -- then, strangely enough, signs of preparation for the impending event would _strengthen_ your belief in the 'precognition' as such (rather than a rehashing of the fad prognostication).

In this way, too, generation after generation could believe that sacrificing lambs somehow caused good crop yields or victory in battle.

Anonymous said...

I think the discussion is getting a little off track. Just order the free DVD and decide for yourself what's going on. Either very smart people truly concerned about nuclear terrorism are trying to prevent it by making this movie to warn people. Or the fact that Chicago keeps coming up in nuke predictions is just a wild coicidence. Either way, one way or another, we should be prepared for whatever happens. Face it, if any US city gets nuked, no matter who is behind it, our government will shift into total dictatorship, and martial law for who knows how long. That's what we really need to face up to. Again, just see the free movie on DVD and decide for yourself what's going on:

Anonymous said...

When der "Der Spiegel" pointed his readers to this :
-I think in 2004- I thought immediately that that is the way they do it : It is the way Illusionists manipulate
their audiences in the circus or cabarett.
By the way : In February 2001 the Newsweek International edition - which I guess is different from the USA edition- brought a Titel "The global Jihad"- full of Warnings about what we all later saw and see happening.
I still have a copy of that picture and all the articles scanned.
Later, in July 2001 "Der Spiegel" had a similar Title Story.
Everybody could read what was coming up.So did I.
When the Endeaver - Spaceship was about to land,but couldn't because of bad wheather conditions, there was a short mention of The Marrocon emergency landing facility being closed because of a a Terrorist thread and Nasa
Website elaborated on that thread - I was telling everybody that "We are being prepared for something coming".
This was quite simple.
Because I had almost never a television set in my life-and because of those "Warnings" I got myself a television thing to connect to my lap.
And believe it or not-managed to go through all the Installation hussle on 11.Sep.2001 and those pictures we now all
cannot get out of our brains were the first pictures I recieved when I had just finished that installation process.
I was not surprised.
There was a german minister of the Interior of one of the federal states of germany in the mid.seventies -Weyer-
who gained some celebrity by saying :" The public must become getting used of seeing machine guns.."
That was during the "Red Brigade Hystery"-A handfull of Petit Bourgeois were looking like trying to bomb germany to the left.. Only now a wider public is seeing, what secret fascist network under NATO control (GLADIO) was-(IS?) "behind" that..

Anonymous said...

this is the link again