Friday, June 24, 2005

Interview with the head of Voter News Service

As the vote results in each county are tabulated on election night, the results are transferred over to a group called Voter New Service, which is maintained by all the major media organizations (From Fox to the NYT). VNS is run by a fellow named Bill Headline.

By a strange happenstance, a long-time critic of VNS, Victoria Collier, stumbled into the opportunity to interview Mr. Headline. The results are strange and amusing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh. my. god.

this is utterly ...petrifying.

we need to circulate these numbers, both the number given at the end for calls, and the fax number embedded in the interview.

deluge the dude! he needs to know that voters give far more than a good g-damn about the results of their votes!!