Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Hitting girls

Why do Republicans hate women?

Republicans hate lots of people of course, but they seem to direct special enmity toward anyone who has committed the "crime" of possessing a vagina.

In particular, the fury directed toward Hillary Clinton passes all understanding. Just today, the Drudge report printed a headline scoring Hillary for keeping the media away from an event directed toward her supporters. After Bush's "Potemkin village" campaign in 2004, one wonders how any Republican would dare to score any Democrat for stage-managing political appearances.

(Those who link on the actual story learn that the decision to disinvite the press was made by someone other than the Senator.)

David Brock's Blinded by the Right reveals that, after his successful hit piece against Anita Hill, his handlers pressed him to find "another woman" to attack. (I haven't the book to hand, but I can recall this passage accurately enough.) Now, the directive to attack "another Democrat" might be understandable -- but why "another woman"?

The hatred directed against Jane Fonda has recently devolved into subhuman levels, as members of the white underclass use her as a catch-basin for all their resentments. Lost your job? Can't afford a house? Blame Jane Fonda. Don't be surprised if she ends up a murder victim.

Younger people may not realize that she was not always so loathed, even after her trip to Hanoi. I spoke to a number of guys who came home from Vietnam in the early 1970s, and they did not spew venom whenever they heard the name of Fonda; they continued to go to her movies, and some of them even kept that Barbarella poster hanging in the garage. They didn't hate her -- they hated Nixon and Johnson.

Johnson told lies -- outright, deliberate lies -- to involve America in a distant civil war we could never hope to understand. Nixon told more lies to perpetuate that war, and initiated a massive effort to spy on Americans who had committed no crime beyond voicing their disagreement with the administration. Jane Fonda, by contrast, had entertained a generation of young men with a rather fetching zero-gravity strip-tease, and then tried to inform America that our presidents were fabricators. Who ya gonna hate?

Granted, I grew up in California. The vets returning to, say, Arkansas and other primitive cultures may have had more brutish attitudes.

Even so, note that even the hawkish vets seem to bear little grudge against Peter Boyle or Donald Sutherland, who were just as active in the anti-war effort. Better to blame Jane, and not because she was photographed near North Vietnamese anti-Aircraft guns. Her real sin was being born with a vagina.


Anonymous said...

well, women are, for starters, vulnerable and weaker. these power freaks seem to get such a kick outa victimizing the defenseless.

but then there are the strong women, the women who think for themselves and actually accomplish independently of men, the women who don't need men (but often choose them anyway). like hillary and jane.

well, these are just the uppity niggers, y'know. smack 'em down. it's especially fun in public, with the frenzy of the mob effect.

just another form of lynching.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I'm not so sure women are "vulnerable and weaker." It seems to me it is their strength that bothers the bullies. Men who behave thusly are, deep down, terrified of women--afraid of emasculation, castration, rejection, humiliation, etc. They have zero confidence in their own masculinity.
That kind of behavior is also behind the subjugation of women historically, and witch hunts, as well. A surprisingly high percentage of men will go along with such ill-treatment of women.
The behavior is also closely correlated with white male fear of black male sexuality...

Anonymous said...

Many of these men are part of what I consider to be the American Taliban. They are no different at their core than their muslim brothers. They are insecure in their own manhood, and take their rage and sense of inadequacy out on the women in their lives. Doesn't the Bible use a woman to introduce evil to the world?

They are able to do this on a large scale because our culture still offers men more economic advantages and access to power than to women. The hostility these men spew is palatable, with a strong undercurrent of latent homosexuality, a theme you have touched on many times here, Joseph. To put it more crudely, these Taliban are born with their hands over their balls and spend their lives trying to make up for all that they lack in that region. They secretly long to be a submissive Bottom, and often think their effeminate proclivities go unnoticed. Are you listening, KKKarl?

Believe me when I tell you that most intelligent women have a finely tuned radar for these pathetic creatures, no matter where we may encounter them. What I personally find most offensive is the Stepford Wives who devote their lives and give up their own identities to enable them.

Having said that, I've been reading this blog for several months now, and it's really gratifying to know there are men out there who get it. Many thanks, Joseph.

Kim in PA

Anonymous said...

I know that it hating all over republicans is great fun, but this might be unwarranted. Republicans don't hate girls - i.e. Condoleezza Rice is a woman - same with elizabeth Dole and former CA Supreme Court Justice Brown. It is telling that most people beleived that Dubb was going to appoint a woman to replace Justice O'Conner (another rep. appointee). It is not fair to accuse republicans of being reptilian - it is also weak minded to assume that people who think differently than you are evil or unintelligent. Not to preach or anything - but political bigotry is unbecoming. You are liberal, you are better than this.

What is fair to point out is that rebublicans harbor an irrational hatred of Hillary Clinton. The passion ahs taken on energy of it's own - there is no excusable reason to openly hate a strong, patriotic national figure such as Hillary. I suspect that there are a lot of republicans that are simply scared that Hillary has the juice to get herself elected president.

However, Jane Fonda leaves much to be desired. Her actions during Vietnam were at best reprehensible, and I think that some of the flak that is fired at her is well deserved. Dude - she interrogated American POW's in an NVA prison camp, and then called them hippocryts and liars when they described their torture there. That is some rough stuff there - objectively, she's lucky to not get tried for treason.