Wednesday, April 06, 2005


The comments section appended to the post immediately preceding this one is quite interesting. I don't hold with the anti-Kerry jibes -- I've always liked him, starting from his appearance on the Cavitt show, which I saw when quite young.

One reader said that our elections have always been crooked; reference was made to the 1960 election. I'm sure most of you have read Slate's take on that vote.

Just recently, I saw a Herblock editorial cartoon (which perhaps I should reproduce) from December of 1960. The cartoon depicted a howling cat standing in the doorway of a house. The tabby, labeled "GOP vote steal charges," tells the annoyed homeowner: "I don't want to come in or out -- I just want to stand here and yowl."

The implication being that if the cat came in, he'd have to offer evidence. If he stayed outside, his cries would go unheard.

And that, my friends, is the major difference between 1960 and today. We want in. We would love to make our evidence known to a wider public. We're sick of yowling on the doorstep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kerry *was* an appealing guy, back in the days of the Dick Cavett Show.

But how reconcile that articulate, truth-telling youth with the hortatory, tone-deaf candidate of 2004, who could be heard extoling NASCAR, but had nothing to say about the steady decline of the American standard of living or our muderous foreign policy, past and present?

And where has he gone since? With all these outrages -- from American-sponsored torture to the sustained attack on the middle-class -- you'd think he'd be out there every day, denouncing the regime. If this is Democratic "leadership", the party might just as well dissolve.