Saturday, April 09, 2005

Thank you, Reverend Moon!

A reader sent me the link to this amazing story from last year. No, this is not an April Fool's day hoax. On a site apparently devoted to communication between members of Reverend Moon's Unification Church, we read the following (and keep in mind that the "True Parents" are Moon and his wife):

On April 10th, True Parents made special condition to liberate Arch Angelic World through striped bass fishing. 3 boats went out for fishing and each boat had 12 people to fish. Father instructed to release first 12 keep size striped bass to each 3 boat. That was the condition for the liberation. We left at the marina 7:30 am and Father's boat finished by 8:25am, less than an hour!
You can even see a video record of this liberation exercise/fishing trip.

Whenever you read this nonsense, think about Bush the elder and Bush the younger, both of whom do business with Moon. Think of the Washington Times. Think of Regnery publishing. Think of all the conservative causes lubricated by Moon money.

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