Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Let us bulge forward

Bushwired directs our attention to this photo, published on the back cover of a W hagiography titled The Right Man. Does this image show the device beneath Bush's jacket? If so, its appearance here is pretty damned brazen!

Bushwired also opines that most of the photos from Bush's Euro tour simply show a translation earpiece, not (as some have alleged) a secret listening device. I concur.

Believe it or not, the bulge-spotters even have their own Yahoo group now!

Some have aksed: "Why didn't John Kerry offer an opinion on this matter?" After all, Kerry patted Bush's back after the second debate. One of my readers offered these comments, which deserve repetition here:

On second thought, it's not difficult to imagine how the Bush campaign finessed this matter.

They quietly explain to Kerry (and to the NY Times, which was on the verge on running the story, but killed it) that the President's security arrangements are secret, but the campaign will make an exception in this case in the interests of national security, by revealing that the President always remains in contact with the Secret Service, in public and quasi-public places, post 9/11. Consequently, he wears a listening device at all times, outside any secure area.

A media already highly deferential to authority will drop the story immediately, upon hearing this line (now they can't pretend they don't "know", but they can't legally or ethically report what they've been told).

The Kerry campaign finds itself similarly hamstrung. Monitoring the transmission frequencies during the debate to ensure Bush wasn't being coached -- much less jamming them or playing loony tunes -- would constitute a federal crime.

So, in effect, the Bushies once again use "national security" for political advantage.


Joy Tomme said...

You know...I used to think the worst of it was that Bush needed a listening device to get answers during the debates.

But now...I'm pretty well convinced that the worst of it is that Bush suffers from atrial fibrillation caused by Graves disease (which his father and mother are also afflicted with), that he has had a stroke (which is a not uncommon occurance with atrial fibrillation) and that he needs the device to keep his heart beating fairly normally.

I say the worst of it...because this affliction occurred well before Bush's second term and just barely into his first term and we were never told. The man is physically impaired, and because of the physical impairment, he is mentally impaired, and we have been saddled with not only a stupid puppet, but an impaired puppet.

Jesus H. Christ! What ISN'T this administration capable of? And now it's alleged the White House fascists are providing male hookers to their buddies and that Bush has had a male lover (Victor Ashe...whom he made Ambassador to Poland) for 35 years.
Joy Tomme (http://ratfuckdiary.blogspot.com)

Barry Schwartz said...

I don't know what that device on Bush's belt is, but I would expect a medical device to be more flashy looking. Marketing, you know. This looks more like something that would be marketed to security folk.

In any case, that man ain't got no butt. He must have Diminished Gluteal Syndrome.

The upper echelons of Bushism are filled with gay-bashing gays. Why else would they be so _rabid_? You _know_ that Rick Santorum "man on dog" guy has _something_ unmentioned in his private life. New Jersey Governor McGreavy was closeted gay, but in a sane fashion. These Bushists and similar extremists are un-sane and project their anxieties about themselves; they bash other gays instead of themselves.

David Brock is the only case I can think of where someone recovered from this broken condition.

I agree with Mark Crispin Miller that the right wingers are not hypocritical in the usual sense, but project onto others their anxieties about themselves. Rather than hypocritical, they are in a way nuts; their brains function improperly.

Anonymous said...

I believe W received help via audio during the debates, and I believe this was a criminal act. However, this picture of him walking away--if you're talking about the thing clipped to his belt, that is a lavalier microphone transmitter. He was probably doing some interwiew by the "liberal media" that gives him an ego blowjob every time they actually get access to him. Ignore this photo, and pay attention to the others, where the device is outlined by his jacket or shirt. Harping on the issue using this photo will "Rathergate" the issue. Have you heard much about Guard service since the Rather mess? No. The phony documents killed the issue. A reasonable person would say, "These documents may be false, but questions of service remain." Instead, the MSM let the story die, daunted by the prospect of having to prove that while CBS was wrong on those particular docs, evidence is out there. Trust me, that is just a microphone transmitter. I would love nothing more than to expose W's various crimes, but this photo ain't one of them.

Anonymous said...

>Bushwired also opines that most of the photos from Bush's Euro tour simply show a
translation earpiece,
not (as some have alleged) a secret listening device.<
How be so sure ?
- wouldnt a "translation earpeace" be the best place + "explanation" to hide anything else..

icone said...

The latest Bulge photo posted on BushWired is definitely NOT a smoking gun... or an answer to the Bulge Mystery... but its interesting nonetheless.

I've recived a bunch of e-mail about this photo, the comments fall into two categories... a wireless microphone (a lapel mic) and a Secret Service radio device.

Before posting the photo yesterday, I had sent the image to a few people who also felt that the photo was a lapel microphone or Secret Service radio of some sort... they're probably right.

However, that doesn't mean that the device WAS NOT the Bulge... Bush could have very well worn either of these devices during the debates when the Bulge was seen.

In fact, Bush was seen to have a WIRE running under his tie in Debate #2 (a lapel mic?). The question now would be: Did wearing such a device violate the debate rules? If the debates prohibited this type of device what was its purpose? If such a device was allowed, why would the Bush camp deny that a wireless lapel mic was used?

It may be a good time to review the official debate rules again... If I remember correctly there were some rather "fishy" provisions in these rules.

Also remember (way back in October), that there were several reports that Bush was indeed wired by the Secret Service (as have most recent Presidents) as part of the Presidential security protocall. A few of these reports also mentioned that the device used by the Secret Service is a two-way radio device with a wireless earpiece. It was previously alleged that THIS device was used to prompt Bush during the debates... and not a stand-alone system.

Either of the above are still largely unanswered questions and worthy of further discussion and investigation.

In my effort to get BushWired back "on-topic" investiagting the details of the bulge (vs. media criticism) I thought it would be good to post the photo of Bush.

We are going through some of the old posts, comments, debate rules, etc. at BushWired and hope to make a specific update shortly.


Anonymous said...

It was Rove.


Anonymous said...

"The Kerry campaign finds itself similarly hamstrung. Monitoring the transmission frequencies during the debate to ensure Bush wasn't being coached -- much less jamming them or playing loony tunes -- would constitute a federal crime." That arguments flawed and its pretty obvious why: to charge them with breaking federal law they'd have to admit to Bush having a secret trasmitter, and even if they don't say what was being transmitted it's rather obvious that in court - even a closed court - the Kerry legal team would play a recording of the transmission. And further more since there was no security threat at that time what would they be transmitting anyway - a guy repeating every few seconds "no threat... no threat... situation normal... situation normal..."? Hah, maybe that was why he was so disorientated in the first debate.