Thursday, March 10, 2005

The bankruptcy bill just passed

The credit card industry, which makes over 30 bill a year in profits, wants and will get more more more. Next step: The reinstitution of debtor's prisons.

They wouldn't dare try these shennanigans if we still lived in a democracy. Obviously, the Republicans no longer worry about alienating voters.

1 comment:

Barry Schwartz said...

It's not just the Republicans who do not worry about alienating voters. The Democrats also do not worry much about alienating voters. The Republicans do not worry mainly because they are not required to win elections. The Democrats do not worry because their supporters' standards are too low.

I cannot express to you the disgust I feel towards those who have been praising the Democrats for growing "spine." Brad Friedman is great but he is one of those towards whom I feel this disgust. This disgust dates to the ratification of the Leader's "victory" last January. The important thing that happened that day is that nearly every Democrat either supported the ratification or failed to lodge a vote against it. The sole purpose of the "debate" held that day, for these Democrats, was to bribe people like Brad -- and Bob Fertik, and so on -- into thinking the Democrats had "spine." The very act that demonstrates the Democrats' cowardice and treachery is mistaken for a "spine."

The Democrats must be kicked to the curb. Only if we quit supporting them will they, or their successors, show "spine."

I have had no party since the ratification.