Wednesday, February 23, 2005

And they call DAN RATHER irresponsible?

Note these three recent GOP attacks:

1. As part of the $200 million campaign to scuttle Social Security, a GOP front group derived from the unbeloved "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" is running an ad accusing the AARP -- the AARP! -- of being anti-troop and pro-gay marriage. (The ad was pulled.)

2. David Horowitz is trying to smear Barack Obama and Al Sharpton as allies of the Ayatollah Khomeini and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Horowitz believes the link to be literal, not figurative.

3. Bobby Eberle's GOPUSA site (the infamous employer of "Jeff Gannon") published an anti-Semitic screed damning George Soros as a "Shylock" in whom "Satan lives."

The conservatives have gone nuts. I speak literally. They are mentally ill.

American political debate has never sunk to such barbaric, pre-human levels. Are the "Christians" in red-stateland so incapable of independent thought that they can be swayed by such puerile attacks? Comparisons to the Nazi era are unfair to the Nazis; even Goebbels maintained a greater respect for the intelligence of his audience.


Joy Tomme said...

I truly believe George W. Bush is mentally and physically ill. And the White House fascists knew it as far back as 1998. He was their choice because he, better than any other GOP candidate, could be manipulated. He is grandiose, paranoid, anxiety-ridden and a sadist.

But the other guys...I don't think they are mentally ill. Rove, Cheney and the Project for a New American Century crew are ideologues bent on the United States ruling the world. They are despots and fascists. They are coldly vicious, mean and cruel. They are greedy and ambitious and nasty. But they are sane. They know exactly what they are doing. They know the difference between right and wrong and they have chosen to do wrong.

Bush has no concept that what he is doing is wrong. He is so insane he thinks he's a savior. His mind is so out of whack he thinks God has sent him to separate the wheat (godly folks) from the chaff (evil folks) on earth and that it's his mission to destroy the folks he thinks are evil. The White House guys have no such delusions about what they are doing. They are promoting war and armament build-up for the USA so they can rule the world.


Barry Schwartz said...

I do not like this kindness to Bush. He is a drug addict with a terrible case of narcissistic personality disorder, which does not mean he does not know what is right or wrong. It is an obsession, not an acid trip. The man is obsessed with being godlike. He is aware of contrary information -- thus his obvious fear of the ICC -- but obsessively suppresses contrary information. People do not bring him bad news because he will not bear it. His people make sure he is greeted by adoring Bushist robots and protestors come nowhere near him, because it takes great effort for Bush to avoid the proof of his inferiority. He is criminal and I don't care whether he goes to a hospital for criminals or a prison for mentally ill felons, but he needs to be tried for his crimes -- including the plot to let terrorists attack a purposely unguarded USA.

Also Bush probably has Graves' Disease, same as both of his parents. And all kinds of damage from his drugs and I wouldn't be surprised to learn of a bad heart and, just for fun, a selection of venereal diseases.

The other Bushists are as well mentally ill, although I haven't paid much attention to them individually. I don't know what personality disorders to assign them, but clearly their brains are not operating correctly. You can see it, though, throughout the Bushist Arbeiterspartei these days. You have at least the following two clues: (a) they accuse liberals of the very defects the Bushists themselves display, and you can observe this even in just plain old Bushist voters; (b) the gay bashing Bushists are closet gays themselves. I think Bush himself is one of those; that's my theory for Gannongate. It's roughly the same as making sure Bush gets only supporting information -- the gay bashing fairyland serving as a denial of the life reality.

May the lot of them find the medical prison most appropriate for them. These sorts of people hold back the whole, naturally cooperative human race and make us live like competing beasts.