(Note: Scroll down for the main round-up of vote fraud news. This post is a late addendum.)
We've all heard of the spooky mysteries in the land of the blue corn enchilada: That "haunted" spiral staircase...Roswell...the Penitentes. And now we have another New Mexican legend to add to the list: The Phantom Voter!
The "Phantom Voter" phenomenon occurs when a precinct reports a higher number of votes than is justified by the number of ballots cast. For details, go here and here.
How many phantom votes contributed to the narrow Bush win in this state? Over 2000. Of course, the existence of even a single phantom vote testifies to a conspiracy to steal the election.
There is also the cognate phenomenon of undrvotes -- ballots which register no preference in the presidential race. A small number of undervote ballots occur in every state, but the number in NM has long been very high -- suspiciously high.
To make matters worse: The undervotes can mask the phantom votes. That is, the ballots in which no presidential choice can be discerned (perhaps because they were pre-punched) are not only bad in and of themselves -- they will also hide any attempt to "salt" the totals by tossing a few fake ballots into the stew.
Tales of rigged votes on Indian reservations are common, of course.
A month ago, I wrote an article about all the election irregularities in New Mexico at my blog for my series entitle "50 States Mislead Their Voters." Along with a recap of some of the strange incidents, I also crunched a few numbers and provided background on some of the key players that may have impacted the results. Here's a link: Recount In New Mexico"George Bush received 11,376 votes to Al Gore's 6,337 in Chavez County, New Mexico in the 2000 election (18,143 including the third party candidates). (Roswell-usa.com). In 2004 Chaves County, New Mexico recorded 14773 votes for Bush (68.1%)and 6726 votes for Kerry (31.0%) (including the third party candidates). (SOS.NM). This amounts to a vote increase of 19.6% for 2004. This is below the state rate of 26%, but the margin of victory of Bush over Gore compared to Bush over Kerry rose four percentage points, which is considerably more than it did for the entire state (.8%)."
Joe, let's get organised.
ReplyDeleteOrange seems to be the natural colour for an election fraud protest.
Color is good but what is NEEDED is a song: