(For the lastest on vote fraud, see below.) Drudge and other rightists are claiming that "our" man in the Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, was exposed to dioxin poisoning. Cute, isn't it? Conspiracy theories become respectable when a conservative makes them; nobody claims that Drudge has traded his fedora for a tin foil chapeau.
I would note that cries of "dioxin poisoning" have long echoed throughout the eldritch realms inhabited by the conspiracy-spotters; if memory serves, the motif was heard during the McMartin pre-school controversy.
I would also note that Yushchenko lives rather close to Chernobyl. Perhaps we should not dismiss too rapidly the idea of environmental toxins?
I will further note that a recent AP story confirms that both a Yushchenko "think tank" and the Ukrainian exit polling organizations received funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development, a frequent front for the American intelligence community.
I will further note that the guy who co-founded Amway died. Although this event has nothing to do with Yushchencko, the news did make me smile.
mmmm.... you are starting to cross some lines here. I'm not an american, however I'm a fiercely liberal athiest who happens to believe the US election was rigged. There is almost no doubt at all that the Uktraine election was rigged and that Yushchenko was poisoned. Perhaps your comments were meant entirely as sarcasm but they didn't come across that way. Don't fall in to the same low level pseudo-journalism as Drudge.
ReplyDeleteOn another matter, I also happen to be a successful Amway IBO. There are hundreds of thousands around the world working with that business without any reference at all the right-wing fundamentalist evangelical crap that some groups in the US apparently use. I may not have agreed with Jay Van Andel's politics, but he definitely lived a true "compassionate conservatism" life - if other republicans and this current whitehouse truly lived this then we'd have a lot more respect for them than we do.
Having said all of that, keep fighting the fight! To quote Baron Lytton "It is necessary only for the good man to do nothing for evil to triumph". The problem with moderates is that we often aren't passionate enough in our beliefs to actually *do* something.
I'm sincerely glad the previous poster gave his side of the story. I must add, however, that I've met a number of people who got involved with Amway, and none of them had good things to report. And the damn laundry soap put holes in my clothing.