Thursday, December 30, 2004

Exit polls and more

The exit poll. Jonathan Simon and Ron P. Baiman will no doubt come in for the usual ad hominem attacks -- after all, when the Republican propagandists can't go after the data, they always go after those who dared to compile it. Even so, let's do what we can to publicize their latest, updated analysis of the exit poll controversy.

Here's the summary they offer:

There is a substantial discrepancy -- well outside the margin of error and outcome-determinative -- between the national exit poll and the popular vote count.

The possible causes of the discrepancy would be random error, a skewed exit poll, or breakdown in the fairness of the voting process and accuracy of the vote count.

Analysis shows that the discrepancy cannot reasonably be accounted for by chance or random error.

Evidence does not support hypotheses that the discrepancy was produced by problems with the exit poll.

Widespread breakdown in the fairness of the voting process and accuracy of the vote count are the most likely explanations for the discrepancy.

In an accurate count of a free and fair election, the strong likelihood is that Kerry would have been the winner of the popular vote.
For the full report -- pdf-style, alas -- go here.

Will Byrd fly to the rescue? For reasons given yesterday, it may not be politically wise for John Kerry to challenge the Ohio electors. Two other names have been mooted: John Edwards and Robert Byrd.

Edwards, it is said, felt that the concession was premature. He will be out of the senate soon. However, he is nothing if not ambitious, and plunging headlong into a sea of national ridicule can do nothing for his goals.

But Byrd...ah, now that is an idea. He's an ornery old lion. He hates this administration. And he's reached the age at which a man speaks his mind and just does not give a shit what anyone has to say in reply.

In my eyes, Byrd is the best man for the job. Perhaps we should write him and encourage him to speak up in favor of fair elections?


  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Excuse me, but why is anyone talking about John Edwards? Isn't the new Congress going to count the electors?

    There is no good reason for Robert Byrd not to sign a challenge. If he signs then Rockefeller might sign, I don't know. One bad reason for Byrd not to sign would be to save Rockefeller from having to step forth. The person I'd really like to see sign is Jeffords.

    What happens when the Bushist Congress overrides the objection I don't know. It's the sort of thing you do even though technically it is futile.

  2. Anonymous10:45 PM

    A couple of things:

    -A staffer for Senator Byrd's office has confirmed that they are getting calls and messages in support of the challenge. His office # in Washington is :
    202-224-3954. Additional #'s where one may leave a message are: 1-800-839-5276 & 1-877-762-8762. Messages really do matter, especially when there are a lot of them.

    Senator Byrd has also requested copies of NYT, Washington Post or other nationally recognized news articles on the Ohio vote situation. Faxed copies of actual printed news stories are requested instead of web pages. The fax number is 304-343-7144.

    Representatives of WV Common Cause, WV Citizen Action Group, West Virginians for HAVA (verified voting group), WV Mountain Party,WV Patriots for Peace are also lobbying this effort and signed a letter in support of a challenge.

    - The Democratic Senators are going to caucus on Tuesday. This issue will undoubtably be on the agenda.

    - Rep. Conyers has written an open letter to Senators asking them to openly debate this issue:

    Necessarily Anonymous but still hopeful

  3. Anonymous11:06 PM has a link to a website where you can send a letter (already written or create your own) to many senators, or write your own asking them to challenge the Ohio electors.

  4. Anonymous5:52 PM

    perhaps it's time for all these politicians to STOP saying "we don't expect a recount to change the outcome" and actually challenge the thieves by saying 'we think it will change the outcome and we better get to work making damned sure we have the person actually elected in the white house this time. we know that the florida recount took place quietly after 2000, and it showed gore was clearly the winner.'

    are we going to have four more years with a "president" who has nothing left to lose by finishing off our democracy, the environment, and any semblance of alliance with other lands? if not, we had better get to work and be upfront about it. fuck 'under the radar,' let's bombard washington with the truth!

  5. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Well, Pomeroo, if the recounts by two different consortia of newsgathering organizations showed Bush winning, then it must be true. One thing we all count on here is the reliability and integrity of the news corps in this country. Wow, thanks for clearing that up.

  6. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I hadn't realized this fellow pommero (sp?) has polluted virtually every thread on the board.

    "There are cranks claiming that a recount of Florida showed Gore winning. No, the recounts by two different consortia of newsgathering organizations showed Bush winning."

    Do I really have to point out the obvious, and what was widely reported at the time, though you often had to read deep into the story to get it?

    Under certain very limited scenarios, the consortia have Bush winning -- but only when large numbers of votes go counted.

    When *all* votes are counted (undervotes and overvotes) Gore easily wins, and the Florida officials who would have overseen the recount have said undervotes and overvotes *would* have been examined and counted -- if the recount hadn't been derailed by Antonin Scalia.

    In another words, more people voted for Gore than Bush in 2000, in Florida -- a fact about which there is absolutely no controversy. The only way to give Bush more votes is to exclude wrongly excluded ballots, simply because they were wrongfully excluded the first time around.

    Elections, if you didn't know, are about counting all the votes. If you want to win on technicalities (and that's putting it kindly, after what went on in Florida), you evidently don't believe in democracy.

  7. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Ok Fight On! It's time to pivot and focus attention on NEP. Warren Mitofsky , who is he? Who hired him? Why was the old system so faulty? Or was it?
    What are the results of the exit pools offcially? Why was Kerry ahead then lost? Were women oversampled? I have heard that argument. It's seems that may not be the case. Why are the polls so far off? Anybody can scream bloody murder about polls but the fact is there was a huge gap. Lot's of smart people can see it. This can't be shouted down! NEP needs to explain and get their numbers straight. Please keep this idea going.
