Sunday, December 05, 2004

Brief notes (updated)

Overseas. Americans and Ukrainians are not the only ones crying electoral foul. A member of the Green party in Belgium outlines the argument in favor of vote tampering in his country. He blames the CIA. Not sure if I can follow his reasoning, but the piece is still worth a read.

Madsen: I am now told that the mysterious Mr. Horn is not a source, at least not a primary source, for Madsen's work. But according to a correspondent who has also posted here, the check is definitely a "decoy."

Ohio: Apparently, it went well. One source says 1500 people showed up, although the AP report puts the number as 400. "I would like to welcome you to the Ukraine," said an organizer.

This page has a couple of fine graphics explaining how black neighborhoods in Ohio received far fewer voting machines. I'm not sure we really need any further evidence to justify a revote.

Remember those precincts where the third party candidates received a ridiculous number of votes at Kerry's expense? This page on Kos has all the details.

The deadline for a recount in Ohio may be December 7, not December 13 -- apparently, Bush v. Gore stipulated that a recount must take place six days before the electors meet. Which means that Blackwell already has succeeded in his sneaky attempt to run out the clock.

However, some have bruited about the possibility that a lawsuit could seek a temporary restraining order delaying to meeting of the electoral college. Personally, I think that idea is terrific -- and I'm not sure we have any other hope. But will such an effort pass constitutional muster?

Cliff Arneback, a lawyer with the Alliance for Democracy, claims to have proof that the Ohio vote was hacked:

The only logical explanation is that there was a movement of some 65,000 votes or so that were cast for Kerry into the Bush column. Which created a margin that is approximately the total margin by which Bush was reported to have won Ohio. So our current view of the evidence is that this is where the fix occurred.
The link above will lead you to a CSPAN recording of a speech by Mr. Arneback.

Democratic complicity? J. F. Miglio argues that the Democrats "enabled" vote fraud by ignoring the issue after 2000. I can't disagree. The "Help America Vote Act" was a disaster -- one which we may be doomed to repeat.

Once the Democrats realized what a monumental mistake they had made with HAVA, they tried to rectify it. Bob Graham and Rush Holt wrote the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act of 2003, which would have mandated a paper trail for all electronic voting machines. In addition, Hillary Clinton wrote her own bill (although weaker than the Graham-Holt bill) asking for better vote counting procedures. Naturally, both bills were stalled out in committee, and they had no chance of passage before the 2004 election.
The opposition to a clean piece of legislation was our first, best clue that the Republicans had theft in mind.

Bush v Gore: There's an interesting discussion over on Kos on the ramifications of the Supreme Court's decision in Bush v Gore, which turned on the issue of differing counting standards. A District Court in Puerto Rico recently cited that decision in a hotly disputed race for Governor. And this is where the fun begins:

Moreover, if we take Bush v. Gore as actual jurisprudence, rather than what it was-- a brazen grab of the Presidency, then of course this most recent Presidential Election was likely unconstitutional. Take Ohio for instance.
Actually, Blackwell was careful to specify on election night that the entire state follows the same procedure for counting optical scan ballots. But the machinery of voting differed from precinct to precinct, and some say that the execution of the standards differed from county to county. Basis for a case?

Bad Brad is back again: Brad Menfil, the alleged Republican insider who first sprang to light during bulge-gate, has returned -- and he seems to be making the big time. David Shuster's column on MSNBC discusses the Menfil phenomenon, which he pegs as the delusional ranting of a "sick punk."

Alas, Shuster came into this movie late, and he may not realize that the matter goes rather deeper than that. During his first appearance, Menfil was tied into a fake Knoxville news site set up by mysterious interests overseas. Something weird was, and is, up.

Speaking of fraudsters... I've just been called a liar by a diarist at Daily Kos. This Diarist may be the same person as the "Jack Seymour" who wrote to me with the alleged intention of raising money for a joint investigation by Greg Palast and Wayne Madsen.

The truth: I wrote to Palast and Madsen and neither man has heard of this guy. And they aren't working together. (No bad blood or anything -- they just aren't working together on this.)

If you want to contribute to Palast, go directly to his page. Don't give money to any third party claiming to operate on his behalf.

The guy calling himself "Jack Seymour" seems to operate under a variety of names, and he is posting in a good many places. His writings always draw ornate conspiratorial linkages, and he points the fingers at some legitimately troubling groups: Accenture, Cybernet, Five Star, and so forth. But his writings all have one thing in common: They're confusing. The closer you read, the less sense they make.

Finally: Daniel Hopsicker has been interviewed on electoral fraud. I haven't heard the interview yet, so I can't say whether I agree or disagree with his findings. But I'll bet you three donuts that he'll have some very interesting things to say. (Scroll down the linked page about one-third of the way until you reach FTR-487 and FTR-488.)


  1. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Joseph, I emailed you my phone number - call me!

    I will blow the lid off this thing once and for - right now.


  2. Anonymous12:36 PM

    The name 'Brad Menfil' has always struck me as an anagram. One result I came up with is 'blind frame'. A google search produced a couple of websites; and I wasn't able to view anything from either site. Do you know of any context for this phrase? I doubt this really means anything, but the anagram thing has been nagging at me for awhile.

  3. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Well, it seems as though the mainstream cannot ignore the Ohio recount any longer (tsk...tsk). However, there's one Ohio news organization which seems to think that the mainstream is part of the reason that these votergate "conspiracy theories" exist!!! Check out another dissection at:

    <<<< Newsclip Autopsy >>>> FOCUS: VOTERGATE

    MIS-TRUTH: What Planet (nevermind what state) is Ohio's "The Plain Dealer" on?


  4. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Just some general thoughts:

    Thanks to Cannonfire for keeping us informed! The lack of coverage by mainstream media has been kind of fun! I've realized there are a heck of a lot more dedicated people out here on the web than there are at the mainstream newsdesks. I've also learned that these mainstream newsmen and newswomen are not in control of their own stories - they are bought and paid for. Too bad for them and I wouldn't buy their book 2 years from now because they didn't have the balls to help when we needed it.

    And just a reminder: When anyone (Bush for instance, or mainstream media) says that "most" people believe in Bush's policies...keep in mind that 52% will never be "most" - it is just half - and I sure as heck don't even believe that!

    I've believed all along that as soon as we start getting hot the RW will really start getting nasty. Let us not get distracted. I can see where they will use and abuse the bloggers if they have to.

    Keep the faith. We are only using truth, honesty, freedom and democracy in our endeavors. In the end *we* will still have that...but some will not.

  5. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Joseph, DU's Bozos for Bush here - I've emailed you several times, so you know how to contact me.

    The "guy" you are referring to regarding emails to Wayne Madsen and others, was not a guy - it was a group, known as Activisms at Note - you must be a registered member of "CGCS" in order to research or post there - AND SOMEONE WITH POWER, LIKE YOURSELF, NEEDS TO CONTACT THEM AND ASK THEM FOR IP INFO PLEASE.

    Activisms had been posting 24/7 for weeks, until they pulled the plug early Sunday morning at approx. 3:20 AM, right after I started a Q&A session at DU with details of Activisms and their link to Jeff Fisher, Wayne, etc.

    Activisms sent the emails to Wayne Madsen, myself, a member of "CGCS" known as Luaptifer, and others - and I have no doubt whatsoever that Activisms was the one emailing Jeff Fisher with information, making Jeff believe things that were not true. Activisms sent emails from either "Jack Seymour" or "John Sander" Activisms was behind an incredible disinformation campaign being carried out at "CGCS," (postings by "Auditors" and his sidekicks), and DU.

    Early Sunday morning, when Activisms started posting at Daily KOS, and you responded properly, I was deeply concerned that Activisms' disinfo would leak further, so instead of holding on to the information that I discovered regarding Activisms and its 24/7 operation, like I had originally planned, I decided enough was enough, and created a new screenname at DU, SoonToBePhoenix. I held a Q&A session to help get the word out about Activisms, etc. It's obvious that my efforts directly led to Activisms pulling the plug - not trying to brag here, just happy that I was able to assist our common goal.

    If you go to Jeff Fisher's website, and click the link right below his picture in the top left corner of the main page, it takes you to a page with all sorts of links that Jeff and his team posted on their site. I called Jeff Fisher Saturday and he verified that they believed this information, and they themselves posted the links. If you scroll down and look on the right side, you will see links to various items under the headings "Hackers Information (Patriots of the Universe)" and "Cybernet Information."

    Click on the first two links under "Hackers Information (Patriots of the Universe)" and you will see our mysterious John Sander aka Jack Seymour aka Auditors aka Activisms was the one feeding Jeff this information. Click on various other links and you'll see there's a lot more disinfo that Jeff was being fed.

    Click on the 5th link under "Hackers Information (Patriots of the Universe)" and it takes you to a strange Paypal link for donating to the Palast Investigative Fund. This particular link makes no sense - and it's also an unfinished link, as all it does is allow you to log in to Paypal.

    I have not contacted Jeff since Saturday - I feel very badly for the man, and I also want to say that he is a great guy IMO, who was apparently led astray. I say apparently, because I do not know everything he knows, but clearly Activisms was feeding him all sorts of information for a reason.

    You have my phone number - please call me if you would like to discuss this further.

    Bozos for Bush
    aka DU's Bozos for Bush

  6. Well...I guess we should all thank you for that summary. Frankly, I've been reticent to contact you (or ANYONE else) on this odd situation. Jack Seymour, or Activisms -- whoever the hell he is, or they are -- operates under a number of names. And one thus can't really know who is who. The guys who claims to be able to solve the mystery may be PART of the mystery. (It's like life in "The Village." Is the person living next to you just another prisoner, or is he working for Number Two?)

    More importantly: The whole thing is, as the fellow says in "Lawrence of Arabia," a sideshow of a sideshow.

    (One of these days I'm going to foist on my readers my pet theory that there's a quote in "Lawrence" appropriate to every situation. For examle, when a high utility bill shows up: "What NEED of telephones?")

    I did not post the PayPal address on my blog because I suspected a scam, and I've heard grim rumors that some sites can give you virii and keyloggers and other nasty bugs. One of my readers DID check out the site, and says it's clean. He thinks "Seymour" may be just an over-excited conspiracy buff.

    Whoever he is, "Jack" -- or Activisms -- now asks people to donate money directly to Palast's site. I know that Palast will not mind if anyone takes THAT suggestion.

    So the only somewhat important matters left are these:

    1. To what degree was Jeff Fisher sucked in by bad information?

    2. Was this whole thing really a deliberate attempt to mislead -- and if so, how much of the other info out there is decetive?

    By the way, my blog is not powerful. Perhaps no individual blogger has any measurable power. In the aggregate, though, the "blogosphere" may constitute a voice worth hearing, and we're all part of that work.
