The evidence favoring the "vote fraud" thesis grows each day. And each day, the mainstream media -- yes, the so-called "liberal" press, up to and including the San Francisco Chronicle -- pummels readers with fact-free invective designed to divert attention away from the many earmarks of skullduggery. And each day -- let me be frank -- fewer readers show up to discover the latest news about the fraudulent election.
At least, fewer show up here. This blog, any individual blog, is of little importance -- but the election story is of paramount importance, and the bad guys will win only if the diversion efforts succeed.
Let's look at the numbers. Katherine Yurica, who runs the Yurica Report, has done some remarkably good reporting, particularly on the threat of Dominionism. (This anti-democratic Christian cult has a direct bearing on the issue of election fraud, because the Ahmanson family, which owns much of this country's voting equipment, has definite Dominionist links.) She now addresses the issue of votergate 2004, concentrating on the academic studies.
She directs our attention to Hout and Freeman, of course -- and also to a couple of other studies which have received less attention than they deserve.
A blogger named Ignatzmouse has delivered a comprehensive, detailed analysis of various oddities assailing the North Carolina vote. As Yurica summarizes:
After downloading the precinct data, Ignatzmouse noticed that the absentee vote, which also included the early voting data, was huge. In fact he found that the file held more than a million votes and nearly a full third of the total vote. (30%) It offered him the chance to compare an unadulterated voting pattern against the strange results of election day. What he found out was stunning. By using benchmark absentee data against election day returns, a compelling case for purposeful tampering of the electronic data is made...I have said all along that we should study anomalies not just in the swing state vote, but also in the red and blue states. Padding Bush's popular vote win (if it was a win) gave the Republicans an excuse to cry "mandate," while disheartening those looking into vote fraud.
Ignatzmouse discovered what Dr. Freeman observed: with essentially the same vote demographics in the absentee votes and the poll votes, there was a sudden shift of 6.4% of the vote toward the Republican. But when he compared his data to the Presidential race, he met sheer absurdity. By all standards of reason, the other two-thirds of the vote should be very close to the same result, or Kerry should have been behind by 6 points. Instead there was a sudden and unexplained plummet in the very same electorate of nine points, which more than doubled Kerry's overall margin of defeat. This meant a 15 point edge for Bush in North Carolina on election day.
Yurica also directs our attention to Teed Rockwell's study of the filthy tactics used in Cuyahoga County:
You may have seen the associated press story about the precinct in Cuyahoga county that had less than 1,000 voters, and gave Bush almost 4,000 extra votes.Let's see the debunkers try to explain away 93,136 votes by muttering vague nonsense about misplaced absentee ballots.
But that turns out to be only the tip of a very ugly iceberg. The evidence discovered by some remarkably careful sleuthing would convince any reasonable court to invalidate the entire Ohio election.
In last Tuesday's election, 29 precincts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, reported votes cast IN EXCESS of the number of registered voters - at least 93,136 extra votes total. And the numbers are right there on the official Cuyahoga County Board of Elections website...
Kerry lost by only 130,000 votes. Subtract 93,000 (let's use round numbers for now) from that amount, and the difference becomes a mere 37,000 votes -- a gap which the outstanding provisional ballots could easily fill.
And now you know the real reason why party hack Ken Blackwell is trying so hard to invalidate as many provisional ballots as possible.
Brad Friedman vs. The New York Times. The NYT continues to bad-mouth vote fraud allegations as the maunderings of internet "conspiracy" buffs. (Side note: I've noted a number of recent stories -- and even a Mallard Fillmore cartoon! -- which grant blogs legitimacy, but only if those blogs veer to the right.) Makes one wonder how the Grey Lady got a rep as a lefty.
Friedman "helps" educates our paper of record with a piece entitled "Some Help for The New York Times: 15 Unanswered Questions about Election 2004." Every single issue he raises is based on solid research.
Do we have a Constitutional right to vote? Judge Richard Posner of the 7th U.S. Court of Appeals, issued a decision on October 14 of this year -- and he insists that we do not have such a right. As I understand the situation, his ruling is binding unless overturned by the (Republican-dominated) Supreme Court.
Lots of links. My girlfriend tells me my posts are too long and include too many links. Well, if you think I inundate readers, check out the Election Fraud in 2004 site! (No mention of yours truly, but still...)
Pittsburgh. Democracy Now interviews Celeste Taylor, Pittsburgh coordinator for the National Election Protection effort:
We found that the provisional ballot, which was supposed to be a way that all citizens who were registered properly would be able to cast their vote. What we found out is it actually helped citizens not vote. That was the case because there weren't enough of them... Time after time, people would go to vote at their polling site and they would be told that they were not on the poll book. These are people that had their voter registration cards. Then they were denied a provisional ballot.This emphasizes a point I've tried to make before: Computers can affect the vote even in areas which do not use the new machines. Computers create the poll books, and he who controls the poll book controls the number of people allowed to vote in any given precinct.
Republicans file suit to limit King County recount. So reads a headline over an AP story in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
That's King County, Washington. Why would the G.O.P. suppress the results in a blue state? Because proof of vote fraud in one state justifies recounts in other states. And why would the Bush forces pad the vote in Washington, though not to a degree sufficient to swing the state? To add to the popular vote margin, and thereby give Fearless Leader his "mandate."
George Bush confesses! "How I stole the election," by George W. Bush.
Another map shows a selection of serious election problems across the country. I was interested to learn of the vote-switching in Bernalillo county, New Mexico, which has a largely Native American population. Once more, this continent's original inhabitants have shown a strange penchant for voting Republican...
More to come...
First time on the internets, Pomeroo?
ReplyDeleteYou may want to a look a deeper than one or two anomalous stories. In particular, be sure to look at the stories in Ohio of folks (yes, in minority areas only) forced to wait in line up to 10 hours.
Now while you may feel that you have the time, and anybody else who cares to vote would also have the time to wait for 10 hours in line instead of say...showing up at their job. But a few hundred thousand in the innercity of say Columbus or Cleveland may beg to differ.
If you really profess innocence of what's gone on in Ohio (as just one instance of massive voter disenfranchisement), perhaps you should check out that link that Mr. Cannon posted above with "15 Unanswered Questions for the NY Times". The link is to an item on my blog, and within it, you'll find link after link with articles on what *actually* happened on the ground in Ohio. I'd go get and post the links myself, but I have a feeling you're not really interested in actual information.
So go look if you care, or keep listening to Rush Limbaugh and retyping what he says here on Mr. Cannon's blog.
Have a lovely day!
Pomeroo, thanks for one of the explanations of the extra votes in Cuyahoga County. Some of the other explanations of the same problem are that votes in congressional districts were added to the totals of all areas in the districts, that absentee votes were redistributed by the vote tabulators, and that there was a problem with data entry on the website and the totals there weren't the totals actually received. Add that to your computer anomaly, and we've got four explanations for a single problem. Clearly, when officials are that eager to explain something, one of their explanations must be right. Right?
ReplyDeleteNow, if voter suppression isn't a racist matter, I'd be interested to hear why an estimated half of provisional ballots went to black people. Or why a hispanic person is five times as likely to have his vote not count as a white person is. What's Rush's shouting point on that?
So the question, friends, is what do we do with our disingeuous rightist?
ReplyDeleteWhether this page be foolish or wise, I do put a lot of work into it, and I don't do it to see the blog commandeered by an opposition force. No blogger makes any pretense of delivering all sides to every issue. Balance on this page would be necessary if the world faced a shortage of right-wing blogs, but no such shortage exists.
On the other hand, if a dash of opposition helps create an interesting debate, then the comments section should continue as it is. If I switch to the Haloscan comments system (as used by Atrios) then I can banish commentators who become too annoying. But such a switch would mean deep-sixing the comments that already exist.
Keep the rightist. Let's invite diversity.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, thanks for keeping us up to speed on the developments. I've been too busy to keep up my research on the latest evidence and developments, and I'm becoming increasingly reliant on your catalogue for information.
Thanks, Joe.
I, for one, welcome such points of views as pomeroo's in as much as they stay civilized -- which is seems they have (though I don't get to read comments here frequently enough to know for sure).
ReplyDeleteHis (her?) voice is good to see so as to understand the sorts of folks we have to deal with in this country.
Yes, he's a parrot of the Right Wing propoganda(despite the Libertarian claims), but he's also parrotting many in the supposed "Liberal" Media, like my friends at the NY Times.
For proof, see his (her?) latest comment above about nobody in the Kerry campaign taking any of it seriously. Perhaps. Then again, they've just joined the recount in Ohio. So unlike, Pomeroo, apparently they see some kind of validity in counting all of the votes of all Americans. Some day, if folks like Joseph keep at it, we may even get to count the votes of the thousands of folks who don't get to vote because they face lines of 4 - 10 hours to do so (unlike Pomeroo, who I've guessing was able to waltz in and out to vote in his community).
When those folks actually get counted, perhaps it will occur to Pomeroo that in fact a good portion of our citizens *are* systematically disenfranchised every year.
And if he (she?) doesn't realize that, then he (she?) doesn't read anything but the Corporate Media from Fox to the Washington and NY Times.
Perhaps *something* will eventually sink in if he (she) is around here long enough. I know we've made some headway with some similarly ostrich-like folks from the Right over on my blog.
So if the discussion stays constructive - if less than informed on occassion - I vote to keep it as open as possible!
Keep up the good work, Joseph! I've pointed a bunch of folks over here in the hopes I may get a partial day or two off (but with some news brewing, it looks like I may not get as much free time as I thought!)
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