Thursday, November 18, 2004

"Let me finish: Bring 'em on"

Ah, promptergate! The story is not dead, merely resting. A reader has drawn my attention to this sound clip of the president delivering his infamous "Bring 'em on" comment. He prefaced that macho challenge with an out-of-the-blue "Let me finish" -- even though no-one had attempted to interrupt him. (You'll find the comment about nine minutes into the clip.)


  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I looked at the clip. It seems clear to me that the president is responding to non-verbal language here, i.e., it may be that his interlocutor appeared to be readying to interrupt him. This is what it looks like. I have absolutely no good regard for GWB, but I have to credit what seems to be the plain sense of the matter.

  2. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Yeah, he appears to be looking directly at the questioner when he says "let me finish"; in this case I don't see any reason to think anything other than that the question was making a jumpy sort of follow-up question gesture. There's plenty of solid evidence (of something!) in the photographs; let's stick to the good stuff.

  3. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I wonder if there's any additional footage out there that would pan the room as he is speaking, in order to verify whether or not any unseen reporter was attempting to interrupt?
    To those who no longer think this matters, I think it does. Every little breeze on the house of cards helps...


  4. Definitely another interesting clip... as with all the other Bulge "evidence", this clip in itself proves nothing, but when looked at in conjunction with other odd statements and actions by the President at debates, press conferences and speeches... one might continue to wonder about presidential prompting.

    Its interesting to note that speculation of Bush wearing a prompter has been circulating long before the recent debate "promptergate" fiasco.

    For Bulge Reasearchers (I love that term), I would continue to look at Presidential speeches and video... especially from days when the alleged Bulge was also sighted. I looked at some of these videos (courtesy of the White House site) and while there was never a smoking gun... there are some oddities that may need further examination. Specifically, it seems that the President often reads from prepared notes in speeches, but when one looks closer he doesn't seem to actually be reading from the notes...he merely glances at them. In other situations (when the President is actually reading his speeches), it looks much different.

    Just want to throw that out there. If this story has any basis in truth (and I think it does), there will be futher evidence of prompting out there and it'll probably be easy to find... it'll simply take an effort of many people who care to look into it and share the information.

    Bush Wired and dont miss the BUSH WIRED PHOTO GALLERY View the Evidence!

  5. Anonymous3:42 PM

    the first time I heard about Bush using a prompter was during the state-of-the-union speecha couple years ago. There was much talk about a coaching because Bush didn't seem to read from a prepared speech and I guess didn't use a teleprompter. I'd need to look at it again to be sure, but thats what I remember. I also remember the TV pundits discussing the issue after the speech, anyone else remember this?
