Saturday, November 20, 2004

Jolly holiday

Yes, I know I took a vacation from posting about the election yesterday. Sorry. Conflict of interest.

As you know, I'm a Democrat. I'm therefore required to attend at least one of the local esbats, where the sacrifices to Moloch are followed by the usual "baby BBQ." Although many activists felt that Moloch underperformed this year, we really had no choice but to toss more infants into the fire. I never know what to wear at these things.

Speaking of jolly holidays:

At the bookstore yesterday, I found an entire table devoted to books about Mary Magdalene: The Church of Mary Magdalene, The Woman With the Alabaster Jar, Mary Magdalene: Myth and Metaphor, and about a dozen others. The pimply-faced employee informed me that The Da Vinci Code had inaugurated a publishing fad. Any author who wants to increase sales must find a way to work the name "Mary Magdalene" into the title.

Sensing easy money, I came up with a list of proposed books to run by publishers:

1. The Mary Magdalene Holiday Recipe Guide (Alternate title: Are You Cooking With Me, Jesus?)

2. Mary Magdalene's Tips and Tricks for Windows XP

3. Mary Magdalene's Guide to Southwest Vacation Spots

4. Nailing Mr. Right: Mary Magdalene on Dating and Romance ("You say your boyfriend thinks he's god, even though he just hangs around all day? You're not alone...")

5. Holy F***! Mary Magdalene's Guide to Intimacy

Can you suggest any further titles?


  1. Anonymous3:42 PM


    Mary Magdalene's Bridges of Madison County
    Harry Potter and the Mary Magdalane
    Mary Magdalene Strikes Back
    Mary Magdalene for Dummies
    The Mary Magdalene Tarot

    Or, a la Howard Stern, the autiobiography: Mary Magdalene's Private Parts...

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