Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The cult that runs our country

Among Democrats, the dialogue has revolved around the question: Do we turn left or right? Confrontation or accommodation? Do we hold fast to the idea of a secular state, or do we bleat in an ever-louder voice that we too love Jesus?

Beware those who argue in favor of a right turn. No matter how far right we go, the opposition will go further. Moreover, the propaganda organs of the conservative movement will continue to convince their easily-brainwashed minions that the Democrats of today and tomorrow are far to the left of some mythical Democratic party of the past. We're dealing with people whose grasp of reality is so uncertain, they think the CIA -- the See-freaking-Eye-Ay! -- is a bastion of librul socialism.

We're dealing, in short, with a cult. They openly call themselves a movement, even though history proves that movements breed fanatics. They do not disguise their revolutionary goals. They have asked their followers to mouth a loyalty oath to their fearless leader. They consider themselves "demeaned" when we resist their attempts to impose their rule upon us. They demonize all perceived enemies. They embrace both kitsch and thuggery, while abhorring the intellect.

A cult cannot be accommodated. It can only be resisted.

The conservatives no longer operate within the American pluralist tradition; they now seek an all-encompassing one-party system, as did the Communist and Nazi parties.

We all know many examples to prove the point. For the latest outrage, see this story, about a state representative in "liberal " Massachusetts, asked to leave her church choir because she is a Democrat.


  1. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I just wanted to add to the above thought. I do feel that you are correct... but there are reasons for what is happening here. Regardless of what has been done since 9/11, everything has been justified by it. Thus our collective attention revolves around a moment in time that is no longer real. It is past. A memory.

    ... yet everything this administration does (and those that voted for it) justifies their actions based on something that HAS happened... not something that is happening.

    ... our collective conscious is lost in the past. There are many reasons for this. Definitely that moment has been used and abused by the present administration to do anything. Say anything. And anyone who questions is unpatriotic. Liberal. Whatever the current buzzword label of the moment is.

    ... and they are getting away with it. Because they constantly call apon our memories of what happened to justify what is happening and to shape what is going to happen.

    It is a diversion. Are attention is being distracted. We are being used. I guess you could go so far as to say it is a cult... it definitely has become a tangent to reality that threatens this democracy.

    The only thing that can be done is to consistantly and clearly point out to others what is true. What is real. Even if they do not want to hear it. Even if they are too close minded or judgemental to accept it.

    And if the democratic party is to have any purpose or any future it would be to start there. Otherwise they are just part of the problem... a distraction... like the media.

    They should start with this election. Although it is past, it is not over... but soon will be. There is still time... and it all starts with the truth.

  2. Anonymous1:16 AM

    The cult has a name it's called The Illumanati.Go to Google and type in The Thirteen Satanic Bloodlines Of The Illumanati.What comes up will shake everyone up.Everyone wake up we are loosing our country.It is almost too late.
