Monday, November 22, 2004

Correction, and a vote fraud update

Many thanks for the kind words readers have sent. One reader has informed me that yesterday's post included an incorrect link to Ktherine Yurica's important piece on vote fraud. Go to

In the comments section of the previous post, "STOP George" offered a truly juicy quote which we canot resist including here:

Here's a response to the "chatty democrat" theory:

"...On the PBS News Hour Mitofsky stated, “we suspect that the reason [Kerry was ahead in the exit polls] was that Kerry voters were more anxious to participate in our exit polls than the Bush voters.” Of course, this excuse doesn’t explain why the exit polls were inaccurate only in swing states.

And it ignores the fact that the exit polls are carefully constructed samples weighted by factors such as party affiliation and gender. In other words, it is not the case that pollsters grab the 20th voter coming out of the polls and mark down their vote preferences regardless of what party they belong to; polling protocol dictates that if they have too many Democrats, or women, they don’t take anymore in that particular category until the sample is balanced..."

- Bob Burnett is a Berkeley writer and computer scientist best known as one of the executive founders of Cisco Systems

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