Monday, November 15, 2004

Bad Brad is at it again: Vote fraud

I probably should not pass along this text. Long-time readers of this column, or of Indymedia, will recall the strange story of Brad Menfil, the pseudonym of a putative bean-spiller within the RNC. (Side note: "Menfil" is an odd name. An anagram, perhaps?)

We first met Brad in conjunction with the bulge-gate scandal -- at therein lieth a long and complex tale. If you want the details, go to Google and find the previous postings about him published on this site, which should give you as good a summary as you're likely to find.

Bottom line: I think the guy's a fraud.

So why am I wasting space reprinting his current "revelations" about the election? Because I don't know with 100% certainty that he is a fraud. And even if he is, his scenarios are, if nothing else, interesting.

So -- even though I know I'm gonna regret this -- here's the latest from Mr. Menfil (as passed on to me by Bush Wired):

Brad Menfil is not my real name. I work for the RNC. I fear reprisals
if I'm found out.

The truth about this election is this: Florida and Ohio had to go for
Bush in order for him to "win" the election. In reality he lost both
states. In fact, he did not even win the popular vote. He lost the
national popular vote by at least 1,750,000. This shows you the scale
of the fraud.

The exit polls were not wrong. Kerry was the clear winner, but victory
was snatched from him.

Florida first. The 200,000+ margin of victory for Bush made this state
uncontestable. Everybody assumes that even with some fraud, Kerry could
never have made up the difference in a recount. But Kerry actually won
by about 750,000 votes. The numbers were changed by a computer program
(in both electronic and scan-tron voting systems) called "KerryLite."
"KerryLite" of course is not actual name of the program. The actual
name is 11-5-18-18 etc. For additional encryption, the numbers were
jumbled but I'm not sure in which order. The numbers replace the
letters of the alphabet. For example, K is the eleventh letter of the

So the if-then statement goes something like this: "if total true
Kerry>total true Bush, Bush x 1.04x (.04 is a random number)(total true
Kerry), total true Bush". The second part of the equation takes the
total number of votes cast and subtracts the new Bush total, subtracts
the third party totals and leaves the rest for Kerry.

Sometimes the program would also reduce third party votes and award
them to Bush. And even where Bush legitimately won, he was still
awarded additional votes. The big Democratic counties (Broward for
example) went to Kerry because it had to appear that everything was on
the up and up. It's interesting to see this unfold. Does anybody wonder
why the Republican counties were mostly counted after the Democratic
counties? You should wonder, and also know that this was no accident.
The Bush team had to make up the votes as the night went on.

In Ohio, computer voting fraud, vote tossing and voter suppression were
the main methods. Vote tossing was simply the removal of Kerry votes
and some third party votes. In some areas, the Bush vs. Kerry votes
were absurd. Nine to one, eight to two.

Voter suppression took the form of making voters stand in four hour
long lines. This of course took place in Democratic areas. The simplest
thing to do was to have too few voting machines. Sometimes that's all
it takes. People eventually lose patience and leave without casting a

In other states such as New Mexico, Nevada, Iowa and New Hampshire,
Kerry's leads evaporated very quickly once the polls were shut down.
Kerry only won New Hampshire, but barely. As it turned out, the lead
was 6% for Kerry in that state and not enough fraudulent activity took
place to flip the state to Bush.

So this will all come out and be known to everyone. Nothing this
massive can be kept a secret. You're already beginning to see these
"irregularities" and the whisper will become a roar.

Hang in there!


  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Brad Menfil AnagramsI remember the Menfil stories well. Mysterious insider. Fictional paper. Real person annoyed. Etc.

    The intriguing thing here is the wacked out proposal that the name of the program would be encrypted using the substitution algorithm. It's almost devious enough to be brilliant, and almost obvious enough to make sense, i.e. You'll find it if you know to look for it, otherwise it'll just look like garbage.

    But, the proposed algorithm is either poorly explained or poorly designed, my thinking leads me to believe it's the former. This writer is either not a programmer or not a very good liar.

    Personally, I think Menfil is a fraud. Why? Because if he weren't, he would be exposing this information to large media organizations, as opposed to BushWired and other sites like it (not that I don't frequent them all =).


  2. Sounds like a fraud to me, but heck, send it to Bev Harris, Ralph Nader, Fisher, Nadler and Wexler.

    What about the timing of the precinct counts? Any merit to that? I wouldn't know.

    PS. Is Keith Olbermann's "vacation?" turning out to be permanent?

    That has to tell you something.

  3. Personally, I have never had much faith in the "Menfil" posts, but I agrre that the continuing saga of his posting is not only interesting, but theres some intrigue as well.

    In my view all of his posts were unhelpful, vague, and have left more questions than answers. I have speculated that Menfil must be Karl Rove, the head of the CIA, or even George Bush to know all of that inside info. I'm curious if he can shed some light on the Kennedy Assasination... he seems to know all the inside "dish".

    Nevertheless some of his posts have also brought us some rather strange results as people have looked into his assertions... Like the Bulge, we may never know... But my guess is HOAX.

    Icone and don't miss the • BULGE PHOTO GALLERY View the Evidence!

  4. Anonymous10:12 PM

    If it was someone in the CIA, I might put some belief in it, but after their no-show in the days leading up to the election, I might not. And a reliable programmer friend of mine states: "the algorithm is pure shit... it MAY be real, but the person describing it clearly isn't a programmer".
    So, this 'Menfil' person I do not believe until further evidence.

  5. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Look, "Brad Menfil" makes some intriguing points and it's perfectly credible to me that a person might have no actual programming skills of this sort, but have been privy accidentally or on the q.t. to an account of the "Kerry Lite" type plan without being giving the actual details, i.e. in layman's terms, and its possible that any such mechanism would leave no trace (see more main recent posts on this site re hacking).

    What I find most interesting is that for once someone (whoever!) has pointed out the combined strategy, vote switching, vote padding plus vote suppression by varied means (and in many states including "safe states") which had the effect of shifting the popular vote towards Bush.

    It's the combined effects that produced the results, and the vote suppression part is the part that is visible and not just a "conspiracy theory."

    Why would the GOP conduct these activities all over the country, so visibly, so provable (so utterly vile), unless it was absolutely necessary to success.

    This logic might seem sort of twisted to some. But there is a limit to what could have been done invisibly, particularly since polls giving certain blue and swing states to Kerry had run for several days prior to the election.

    It would not have been credible if California or New York had gone for Bush for example, (or DC which voted for Kerry approx 90% to 9%.

    By the way, while there is some validity to the Dixiecrat theory, I don't think that FLorida is part of the South in that sense. In my state, NC, many people are still registered Dem who vote GOP, but the GOP are now fielding candidates all down the ticket so Bush support beyond GOP votes further down ticket should only be a portion of his share of the vote, county by county.

    In my county (Optiscan) and demographically very mixed, there was a significant portion of the vote that went for Bush at top of ticket (Kerry margin of victory was 0.02%) and Senate race was very close, but other Dems won handily. But south of me in Lee County NC (touch screen) the Bush/Kerry vote was inverted over other races.

    It takes looking in detail at election results to ensure that votes don't exceed voters and results don't strain credulity among those who actually know what turnout there was (was it straight ticket beat Bush democrats or what?) and local conditions, etc.

  6. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Look, "Brad Menfil" makes some intriguing points and it's perfectly credible to me that a person might have no actual programming skills of this sort, but have been privy accidentally or on the q.t. to an account of the "Kerry Lite" type plan without being giving the actual details, i.e. in layman's terms, and its possible that any such mechanism would leave no trace (see more main recent posts on this site re hacking).

    What I find most interesting is that for once someone (whoever!) has pointed out the combined strategy, vote switching, vote padding plus vote suppression by varied means (and in many states including "safe states") which had the effect of shifting the popular vote towards Bush.

    It's the combined effects that produced the results, and the vote suppression part is the part that is visible and not just a "conspiracy theory."

    Why would the GOP conduct these activities all over the country, so visibly, so provable (so utterly vile), unless it was absolutely necessary to success.

    This logic might seem sort of twisted to some. But there is a limit to what could have been done invisibly, particularly since polls giving certain blue and swing states to Kerry had run for several days prior to the election.

    It would not have been credible if California or New York had gone for Bush for example, (or DC which voted for Kerry approx 90% to 9%.

    By the way, while there is some validity to the Dixiecrat theory, I don't think that FLorida is part of the South in that sense. In my state, NC, many people are still registered Dem who vote GOP, but the GOP are now fielding candidates all down the ticket so Bush support beyond GOP votes further down ticket should only be a portion of his share of the vote, county by county.

    In my county (Optiscan) and demographically very mixed, there was a significant portion of the vote that went for Bush at top of ticket (Kerry margin of victory was 0.02%) and Senate race was very close, but other Dems won handily. But south of me in Lee County NC (touch screen) the Bush/Kerry vote was inverted over other races.

    It takes looking in detail at election results to ensure that votes don't exceed voters and results don't strain credulity among those who actually know what turnout there was (was it straight ticket beat Bush democrats or what?) and local conditions, etc.

    Back to my major point, why try to cheat so obviously (vote suppression) unless it was necessary (Kerry was going to win otherwise) and arguably, because no-one could argue that these efforts really made a difference to total result because there were other things at work.

  7. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I have had a strong feeling that voter fraud took place in the US Presidential Election. I believe that the truth will come out sooner or later. It may take sometime to sort it all out but we will know the truth eventually.
