Saturday, October 09, 2004

Yeah, but I'm still king of the pessimists

For the first time in a long time, has recently had some good news for Kerry, although Colorado recently slipped back into the Bush column. Nevertheless, I predict a Bush win -- of course, I always predict that the Republican will win.

Well, maybe Obama will squeak out a victory. But don't quote me on that. I don't want to get your hopes up.


majqa said...

How right you are.

Bush will win, even if he loses - he's still going to win. Considering the mentality of Americans today, I must admit that even I toy with the idea of voting for Bush purely out of spite.

You should be able to get the final vote tally when Diebold Corporation releases the results, which hopefully won't take place too far before the actual election... ;-)

Anonymous said...

anyone that votes for bush for spite, or claims to think about it is a very disgusting human

what an absolutely pathetic attitude to have.

you'll burn in hell for voting bush. plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Scoff at this after you read it if you must. Then set it aside in a part of your brain from which you easily can retrieve it in January 2005. Here goes. Bush will win the election but Kerry will be sworn in as the next President of the United States. Got it?