Friday, October 15, 2004

Smokin' gun?

All right, earpiece it is (courtesy two fine readers): What may be the smoking gun in "was W wired?" controversy.

Remember that official White House photo of Bush in a t-shirt, with something the size of a ham sandwich affixed to his back beneath the cloth?

Well, here's another shot taken the same day. And look at what our president has in his ear. Can't miss it. It's red.

Now, obviously, the wire in this case physically connects to the unit in back. What does this prove? That Bush has been known to wear an earpiece connected to a receiver strapped to his back.

To posit that he switched, for debating purposes, to a wireless set-up (and such devices DO exist)...well, that's not so large a leap, now, is it?


Anonymous said...

That could easily be ear plugs.

Anonymous said...

Dude's wearing a plug in each ear, is clearing brush (think chainsaws), and probably would be focused more on brewskies than books-on-tape. Ergo, earplugs.

That bulge on his back is probably his cerebro-ostomy bag, which helps to drain off the many brain cells he slaughters while trying to formulate words of one syllable or more.

Dubya being wired for thought on a battery pack begs the premise that he can stand and think at the same time. I hear that his handlers have to keep him plugged into the wall for a large part of the day just so he can SIT and think.

Nope, sorry. A cerebro-ostomy bag is one of the few appliances that fits his slug-like intellect.

Jolie said...

They're just earplugs. Why they run down behind his shirt, I don't know. What the box is on his back, I don't know. Greater minds than mine must have an explanation.

Thanks for the great work today... I started thinking this was a medical issue a few days ago when I saw the t-shirt pic. The posts on Daily Kos today are a MUST-READ:

Read the whole thread -- chilling (and sad?) stuff to ponder.

Anonymous said...

COME ON GUYS?! I'm one of the conspiracy theorists who believe, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that W's wired. I'm not arguing that point. But look at the REST of the pictures: he was chainsawing and clearing out cedar from his ranch?! OF COURSE THEY'RE EARPLUGS, THEY'RE IN BOTH EARS!!! With all the money and technoloy at the President's disposal, you really think he'd wear a blantantly obvious earpiece with a bright RED wire? And why wear an earpiece when you're doing "hard work" that doesn't involve "presidenting"? Take a lesson from Dan Rather, don't jump the gun!

Anonymous said...

Would it be possible for an expert to analyze the tapes of the debates for signs of Rf frequencies which a transmitter might have used or do the tapes only record the audible portion of the spectrum?

Anonymous said...

They're common earplugs. The "wire" lets them hang around your neck if you have to take them out occasionally while working.

Anonymous said...

The photo above the one you posted on the White House website does show Bush with red wires coming out of both ears -- hence, it seems clear, earplugs. The Jeep trip wasn't just a brush-clearing excursion, however. He had AP reporter Scott Lindlaw in tow and they did discuss Iraq.

Link to Scott Lindaw's description of the morning:

Links to photo site showing wires in two ears:

Partial text of AP story on Lindlaw filed when he returned that afternoon:

August 9, 2002, Friday, BC cycle
SECTION: Domestic News; Washington Dateline
LENGTH: 887 words
HEADLINE: Bush says no timetable for deciding how to deal with Iraq and might not decide this year

BYLINE: By SCOTT LINDLAW, Associated Press Writer

President Bush said Friday he has no timetable for deciding whether to order a military strike against Iraq and might not make a decision this

"And if I did, I wouldn't tell you or the enemy," Bush told The Associated Press during a brief interview at his ranch. Pressed on whether he would decide this year, he said, "Not necessarily."

Bush said a national debate on how to effect regime change in Iraq is appropriate. When Sen. Joe Biden, chairman of the foreign relations committee, approached the White House on his desire to hold hearings on
the matter, the administration agreed they would be "healthy," Bush said.

He declined to discuss Iraq or other policy matters further as he showed an AP reporter around this central Texas ranch.

icone said...

Huge update to

Breaking News... the Blogtober Surprise. Plus more on the Medical Bulge theory

New article by

Heres a bit of it:

Consider, for instance, the testimony of James Atkinson, the president of the Granite Island Group, a countersurveillance firm in Gloucester, Mass. Atkinson is an expert at wiretap detection and bug sweeping, whose clients include both private companies and the U.S. government. "I've done a tremendous amount of work for presidential Cabinets," Atkinson says. "I've worked for Cabinet members, plus staff and advisors ... in the [George H.W.] Bush administration, and in both terms of the Clinton administration."

When he goes to Washington, Atkinson says he often hears ear-prompting signals coming from the White House. "I have personally sat outside the White House with lab-grade testing equipment -- and have cataloged, monitored and confirmed that wireless monitors are being used," he says. "When you go into a place to check for bugs, every frequency in the spectrum is suspect until you can identify it -- and there are thousands of frequencies. I have found wireless mike signals transmitted during [White House] press briefings, with multiple subject advisors. You'll hear the speaker, and another voice will cut in, like 'It's 28 million' -- and the speaker will repeat, 'It's 28 million.' The speaker will institute certain delays or will ask the question again, and will receive a prompt."

On a Web log of bulge news he's been keeping at, Atkinson wrote: "When the president visited Boston back in March 2004 he stayed at the Park Plaza Hotel. The signal from the system he was using could clearly be heard 1500+ feet away, and one of his advisors could be heard doing voice checks and then feeding him data about the school he was about to visit." Asked by Salon who heard the signals, Atkinson said, "I heard it. In Boston I was working a project several blocks away from where the president was speaking. It's archived. You want to keep archival copies of things because of liability issues -- if you sweep for bugs and a bug is later found, you can show that it wasn't there when you did the sweep."

Atkinson has agreed to review the recordings in his archive and verify a match with an official video of the event.

Photos, news, video, recent updates

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm as interested in the wired-Bush conspiracy as anyone, but this post is just wrong. Bush is clearly wearing a pair of earplugs to protect against hearing loss while operating machinery (chainsaws, etc.). The "wire" is just a string that connects the two earplugs together which makes it easier to hang them around one's neck when they're not needed and prevents them from being lost (think of the string that connects little kids' mittens). The string is red so that if the earplugs are dropped, it will be easier to see them (and perhaps make it more obvious to viewers of the photos that the President has a responsible attitude towards his safety while operating machinery). This sort of ear protection is commonly worn by rock musicians and concert-goers.

Look at another picture from the same series and you'll see the both earplugs at the same time:

Anonymous said...

If Bush was wearing an earpiece during the debate, wouldn't he need to communicate back to the voices in his head about whether they're too loud or not coming through at all etc... Has anyone analyzed the first debate for body language that might support this?


icone said...

Regarding the Ranch Photos. I came across these a several days ago and at first I thought I hit pay-dirt! After closer examination, Bush was chopping some wood & "clearing brush" (something Republican Presidents apparently enjoy... Reagan loved it!) I think its quite obvious that the things in Bush's ears are EARPLUGS not an EARPIECE! Remember, this debate emerged because of speculation about the bulge being part of a cueing system which had a WIRELESS earpiece. I think the photos of the recently cut logs point towards a CHAINSAW.

However, The Bulge IS in the photos, and the photo-op involved the media and some questions. Maybe the Bulge is the cueing system... and the earpiece was put in his ear after he finished with the chainsaw.

Another theory on this is that this bulge (and maybe the debate bulge) is part of some Secret Service device... officially there was a "no comment" from them.

Anonymous said...


you guys are idiots.

the end.

Anonymous said...

All you people, you're too funny. I like the one who explains what an earplug is, that it's red because if you drop it, you find it easier, and that the president is just cautious when operating machinary. Come on, where does that come from? Earplugs for dummies? And was W chopping wood in his ranch before the debates? The truth is that he had an earpiece, period, no need to discuss it for years, he's too stupid to stand and talk, he needs help. Serious help.